2016. január 26., kedd

Having trouble moving on from short relationship

So I feel incredibly juvenile having to write about this but here goes. At the end of last year I got into a short but very intense relationship with a guy that lasted about 2 months. Earlier in the year I'd come out of a 4 year relationship that ended amicably and with me still being friends with that ex, and whilst it made me sad when it ended, it ended with mutual respect and friendship.This other relationship didn't. We met and hit it off incredibly quickly. Although not very good looking he's big and very 'masc', also extremely funny and charming and on paper he was everything I wanted. Within a week we'd made things official and within 3 weeks we were telling each other we loved each other. He went as far as to say he'd never met anybody like me. I got completely consumed by the relationship and started feeling insecure fairly quickly as I was terrified of things inevitably going wrong. We met each other's friends, went for a weekend away together, bought each other expensive Christmas presents etc.Two months in we had a stupid drunken argument that escalated, and even though I thought we'd resolved it, he suddenly turned cold and started picking at me, making little comments about my looks, the fact I smoke, etc etc. So I ended things with him - but I didn't really want to. A week later we met up and it felt like we'd gone back to normal - we kissed, held hands etc - but that night he told me he wasn't 'madly in love' with me anymore and was incredibly cold. I went home, blocked him on everything and haven't spoken to him since, it's been a little over a month.I haven't dealt with it well at all. I think about little else and have driven my friends to distraction talking about it (I've realised it's now time to stop talking about him). I'm pretty sure he's probably moved on already as his track record is one of moving on quickly.I get that we probably weren't actually in love with each other, rather the idea of the relationship. I get that he's also a narcissist and not a good person. But I can't focus on the rational. I still want him to contact me.I think I'm also scared of being single. I worry a lot about the future. I'm only 27 but nearly all of my friends are straight, they're all settling down and I wonder how I'm going to end up. My confidence has been shattered, mainly from the feeling of somebody telling me I was amazing, and then later on telling me I'm not.How exactly do I move on, stop thinking about it and feel happy again? Every morning I wake up at 5am feeling anxious and he's the first thing on my mind.TL:DR short, intense relationship left me unable to move on and feel confident in myself

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