2016. január 26., kedd

Guy I knew for long time just came out...

I am in high school, and there was this guy that I used to go to school with in elementary (grade 1-8). I knew him for a long time, and we weren't really friends, but I thought he was kind of a jerk, jock-type personality, but we talked sometimes. He was really athletic, and often talked like he was attracted to girls. Closer to grade 8 he would talk about wanting to have sex with girls, in the way that grade 8 boys normally do. We graduated, he went to a different high school than myself and most of my graduating class, and I didn't really think much of him.Today I found out through a friend of mine that still keeps up with him that he came out as gay very recently. And for some particular reason, I found this very shocking. Mostly because he was really the person I'd last expect it from. So I talked to my other friends from elementary and none of them were really all that shocked.All day I have not been able to take it off of my mind off of it. Believe me, I am not a homophobe (not particularly sure where I even sit on the spectrum). I just needed to write about this to get it off my chest. Never really dealt with situations like this before.

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