2015. március 27., péntek

Looking for non-gay Nofap hard-mode success story.

I've been looking for the ultimate hardmode success story. The only one I've found was from some obscure web-page before the nofap movement about some guy who went a year without ejaculation or wetdream and almost went to jail 3 times, but then turned into like a superhuman.

Most of the stories I read here are like, some guy goign..

"I am day 150 of my nofap journey. couldn't have done it without you mates. Today I sniffed flowers, and froliced through the forests of azure while I played with Sam in the Shire. Tee hee!

Today is day 32 no "M/O" or wetdream, day 14 no "P", and day 1 of no "fooling around with the GF" (I count that as a reset)

The past 14 days have been pretty much me walking around town with a knife debating on if I should stab or not stab. Joking aside, whenever I go driving on the freeway, I get pretty strong anxiety, like at a level "5" or "6";

The other night I went to sleep feeling great emotions of fear, and felt like the universe was coming at me. I felt I could feel the vibrations of the helicopter in the sky from 8 miles away.

So I am looking for other men who are going through the same symptoms, and experiences. But all I read is..

"Hey guys! My nofap Journey has been great! today I powdered my bottom and generally just feel fantastic about life! Today a girl looked at me and I felt a tickle in my pickle!"

I mean, where the hell is the struggle? The sleepness nights? the feelings of intense fear and rage? The paranoia? Am I the only one experienceing this? The crazy energy when people move toward you too fast?

2 days ago I went jogging in the wilderness and I was cursing God for creating me.

Then yesterday I went to purchase water from the store, and my hands were shaking as I could barely hold the money. I notice also I get a lot of eye contact from other men and it makes me nervous, as if they feel my energy and presence, like they want to fight?

I hope maybe by day 40 all this anxiety and great fear and great feeling of extreme energy and paranoia will melt away.

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