2015. március 31., kedd

Help Me Come to Terms With Being Gay

If anybody is/was in a similar situation or just has advice that would be awesome.

I'm 18, and have only come out to one person, best friend who toon it great. Since then, I've been going back and forth really frequently between being content, and super depressed. By that I don't mean "depressed" in the way society overuses the word, I mean legitimate clinical depression. One of the big things that effects it is my family; it's rediculous how catholic they are. It really sucks with being 18, and high school ending in a few months, because this is ruining what should be a few more awesome months. Its also making the college decision process really difficult. I no longer have much ambition or drive, and without being excited in general I can't get excited about a school. Some advice I've gotten is that it would be best just to start telling more people, but that's the last thing I want to do. I don't really fit into any of the gay stereotypes, and that's made it harder anytime ive contemplated telling other people because I don't want that to be something that defined me as a person.

Overall, I think I'm gay, but when I try to accept it, it makes me feel really hopeless. Any advice, or similar experiences would be really appreciated. Sorry if this was scattered or hard to follow.

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