2015. március 31., kedd

I want to start seeing someone that I met on a dating app more often, how much is too much?

I've had sex with with this guy two times, the first time it was kinda meh but the second time it felt really special and I've been daydreaming about it. It's only been 4-5 days since then but it feels like it's been a bit longer. Were not friends so likewise there hasn't been any correspondence since. I'm not sure if he enjoyed the sex the second time because I couldn't cum and had trouble keeping my boner, but this was probably due to shyness as I was really turned on. Should I wait a couple of more weeks to send another message? I just don't want to appear desperate. I'm quite busy with school and work but I want to do this again, preferably soon. He probably thinks that I've forgotten about the second time we met up and I went about my daily life as if it'd never happened, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I definitely do not want a relationship and I don't want to send any desperate clingy vibes. But I would like to pursue this FWB thing and I was wondering how I should go about it.

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