2015. március 31., kedd

I must have misunderstood ship terminology in EVE all these years, this guy obviously knows better.

Calfis > what kind of subcaps can you fly

Arsenal420 > killed curse wit my drake

Arsenal420 > best solo kills i got

Arsenal420 > 0

Arsenal420 > i dont fly caps yet

Arsenal420 > the proteus i let him scan me out cus i wanted to kill him :P

Calfis > subcaps

Calfis > like loki

Calfis > ishtar

Calfis > etc

Arsenal420 > those are not subcaps from my knowledge

Calfis > sub-capitals

Calfis > meaning they are not caps

Arsenal420 > Thanatos

Arsenal420 > thats a sub cap

Calfis > no thats a cap

Arsenal420 > i played 4 years ago thats what they called em

Calfis > cap = capital

Calfis > subcap = sub-capital

Calfis > u have to admit it makes sense in english

Arsenal420 > ill have to google it : P

Arsenal420 > anyways

Calfis > whats ur primary language?

Arsenal420 > english

Calfis > u from USA?

Arsenal420 > bc can

Arsenal420 > canada

Calfis > oh canadian eh

Calfis > well I'll have to see ur skill set when u put ur api in the form

Calfis > we require a set of fleet ships as well as bubblers

Arsenal420 > for? if i can kill a curse with my drake is that not good enough?

Arsenal420 > ill fly drakes and onyxs mainly and some maybe a hawk

Arsenal420 > and orthrus

2015.03.31 23:32:44

Kinky Panda > u guys rejected my app even tho i talked to whats his face lol u guys r funny ill jus go with another 0.0 alliance lool?

Kinky Panda > cya around!

Angela Moon > mmkay. bye o/

Calfis > later man

Kinky Panda > missing out i can kill curses with my drake :)

Calfis > be sure to tell them how capitals are subcaps etc etc

Angela Moon > lol

Kinky Panda > will do noob been playing longer then u

Calfis > I dont think ur helping ur argument with that bit

Angela Moon > haha, been playing longer doesnt mean you have the brain for it ;)

Derek Xallen > not sure if troll

Kinky Panda > what argument u guys rejected app wus trying to be nice

Calfis > Eric, it isn't this is why its so sad

Derek Xallen > oh

Kinky Panda > and ur only from 09

Kinky Panda > same time noob check times before u talk

Calfis > yes and even I know that in english subcaps = sub-capitals, dont even need to play eve

Angela Moon > that was funny :D

Calfis > man I almost thought we would have to kick him from channel :D

Angela Moon > N00b, he is not in channel. jeez..

Angela Moon > haha

Calfis > i was late :P

Calfis > wait he is in channel Arsenal420

Calfis > his alt

Angela Moon > nice

Angela Moon > more rage incoming?

Calfis > recovery confirmed

Angela Moon > so, what do i have to do, to be not noobish and important in nulli? can i join?

Calfis > Arsenal420 wtb Eve-O forums post explaining how subcaps = capitals and caps = sub-capitals

Angela Moon > lol

Angela Moon > i would read

Calfis > please publically humiliate me

Angela Moon > i need to learn more

Arsenal420 > lol idiots XD im joining a dif alliance

Arsenal420 > u guys are wanks anyways

Angela Moon > aaw

Angela Moon > so mad

Arsenal420 > dont even know what subcaps is lol!@

Arsenal420 > not mad ur jus gay :)

Angela Moon > no please tell us

Calfis > could u tell us again for the record what a subcap is?

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