2015. március 31., kedd

Crazy christians in my family make me wanna gag

I've had a really weird couple of days, and some realizations that I just need help with.

Yesterday, I left my son with my stepmom, who I think has FLEAS, she definitely had an Nmom without a doubt. She has her moments, and is actually quite selfless, but she is a very negative person and also is racist, homophobic, judgmental, and overly religious. She has watched my son while I have attended school since he was 10 weeks old, he is now 9 months. Ps. My dad is a complete enabler, he is the kindest, most loving man ever. He would never turn his back on me or my brother for any reason, ever, and he has always loved me, even when I was a real pill.

Here is what happened. The awful discriminatory law in Indiana that just passed (?) was being discussed on the news. Stepmom says something about religious freedom, and I made the mistake of asking her what she meant. She went into a long rant about "the gays" and it was really fucking dumb (i.e. comparing homosexuals to those who have sexual relations with animals. She is fucking dumb.). I said, "well thank you for being so candid, and I would love it if I could be candid with you. Is that ok?" Then I said, " Everyone is entitled to religious freedoms, but when you attempt to discriminate against and alienate people, that isn't a right, and I respectfully disagree with what you are saying." She went on to say that she would disown her only son if her were to tell her he was gay. I said, "Again, I am glad you feel you can be so honest with me. I'd like to be honest as well. Having a mother who I knew would reject me if I was a certain way was very painful for me. There is nothing that my children could do that would cause me to reject them." Then I turned to my dad, who of course, had been silent this whole time, and said. "and dad, I know that you would never reject me and that you would always love me no matter what." Stepmom tried to say that your relationship with god is more important than anything. I said, "Again, I have to respectfully disagree."

Before I left, my dad met me in the hallway and gave me a huge hug, and told me I will always be his baby girl. Why does he have to may aholes?

Then, I went to visit Nmom today. We are LC, I see her about once every couple of months. My fucking ultraNaunt was there. We went out to eat. The visit went well, (Nmom behaves herself when we are LC for the most part.) but as we were walking back from a restaurant, they were discussing a funeral they had been to, saying that it was very, very, cold. The service had been held at the grave site, despite the -20 windchill. I asked why they hadn't had the service inside. My Naunt responded, "He wasn't a christian, there was nothing to say."

Fucking WOW.

So, here I am. I have two very religious sides of my family, who reject people for so very little. They reduce people to something so inconsequential, and claim that is all there is to them. I have realized two things.

  1. I am very wary about having my children grow up with these kinds of ideals around them. Luckily, my husband has a big family, and our children have many good influences to be around.

  2. I have broken the cycle! I am not my mother! My greatest fear in life has been quieted. I would NEVER reject my child for ANY reason. And I would never reduce a person to a label.

Insight and support are welcome!

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