2015. március 29., vasárnap

[Canada] I quit my job after being harassed. I have dirt on my employer. Do I have anything here? What should I do?

Edit: Forgot to include the province. This is SK.

In January, I quit my job effectively because I was being harassed. The reason I gave when I left was 'I did not agree with the decisions being made.' I know my boss was extremely unprofessional, but I'm wondering if I have any actual legal substance here.

The Harassment

This was a job of nearly 3 years, but it is in contract terms (to match the student schedule), so I was re interviewing for my position. The interview was normal. Later I received notifications of being removed from work applications (Google Calendar, etc.). I texted my boss (texting being a normal mode of communication at this job), I was not rehired yet, to which he responded: "Your performance last term was not up to par, and your interview to try to get another shot was abysmal. No enthusiasm, no ideas. And in your time to shine you badmouthed another employee."

I feel like there's nothing legally wrong with the above, but it gives some context for what happened. I responded and got another interview with just him (before, there was a college representative). He met with me and the first half of the interview was just questions again. The second half turned horribly wrong. He just got extremely mad at me. He asked me 'if I was drunk last term', and proceeded to press me about my personal life (ie. my Aunt was dying of cancer). Next I broke down into tears and he stopped. He offered me the job after I pulled it together. I think because he was freaked out that he made me cry. After that I accepted the job, then and there, he proceeded to berate me again. He told me that if I looked at him the wrong way, I was fired, if I dressed a way he didn't like, I was fired, if I walked with him out to the parking lot, I was fired. I just sat there and said nothing. The last thing he told me about was a conference him and I signed up for in December, which was happening later in the month (January). He said he didn't want me to go because he didn't want to spend a week in the same room as me.

A couple days went on, and I was given zero privileges at work. If I wanted to access my files, I had to ask my boss to copy and paste them for me. He didn't have any other fits of rage, but it was still awkward. Three days before a conference he told me I wasn't allowed to go anymore (without reason at the time). I had had enough, this led to me resigning. I later asked him why he took me off the conference and told me it was because 'I was so close to being fired last term.' I believe it was simply because he had a personal vendetta against me and may have been discriminating against me because he didn't want to spend a week in a room with someone he thought might be gay.

Is this actual harassment?

The dirt

In November, my boss bought a 3D printer with company money. He took the 3D printer home and kept it there for a number of months and him and his girlfriend used it to 3D print Christmas gifts and the like.

After I quit, I reported him to his supervisor for what was going on. I never heard back but I'm assuming this is basically a dead end.

I could go to the news? But I think that would just tarnish my reputation and accomplish nothing.


In addition to this, I requested my personnel file in Janaury. In Canada, you have 30 days to respond to those requests. I never heard back, so when I reported him to his supervisor, I also included that it was over a month and that I did not have my file yet. The supervisor responded giving me a CC to HR, but I never actually got my file back which my boss keeps on location (he does not use HR for any of his stuff). As a result, I still do not have any of the personnel information which I requested.

Should I go up further to the person who enforces the policy for the freedom and privacy of information? Or what?

Thanks for reading this far :) Any advice on what to do is greatly appreciated.

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