2015. január 31., szombat
Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court
Ciao ragazzi: [SS] Jovanotti - Sabato (literally means Saturday)
Guess who totally got some
hint, it's me.
This is just so exciting for me because I've only just started to feel comfortable identifying as a lesbian, and honestly high school was all a sexless hell. Thanks college. While I've been round the bases, last night was the first time I really straight up (gay up?) had sex with another woman and it was great.
I just wanted to share with you ladies because you've all been there for me since day 1! Remember it gets better if you're in a situation that sucks!
What if /r/gay was owned by a homophobe?
And said homophobe deleted any message that might be beneficial to the gay community and instead only let people write hate posts? This is an extreme, hypothetical example, but it's a scenario that I'm sure we've all encountered to various degrees.
The numbers that matter: How gay are the ladies of King of the Nerds Season 3?
/u/heatherklus is 80/20, 80% ladies, 20% men.
/u/amandathedemon is 70/30, 70% men, 30% ladies
Raychelle is 60/40, 60% men 40% women
I may have it wrong on who's who because I honestly have trouble telling them apart right now. I wish the names were always up. This show sucks for people with Prosopagnosia.
[15/F] I'm really confused and need some advice with my bisexuality.
This may be a bit too TMI.
Well, I've known I was bisexual since I was maybe 11 or 12.
I found out because I began to find women extremely attractive. I originally thought that I was gay, but as my hormones calmed the fuck down, I accepted that I was bisexual. I used to find men and women equally sexually/emotionally attractive. Very nice.
Well, I came out to my mother when I was 14 (almost 2 years ago. I'm almost 16) and it did not go well. AT ALL. She said it was a phase, and that I didn't know what I really wanted, etc etc. but that's not really the issue.
Ever since then, I've lost my sexual attraction to women. I do feel it sometimes, but it usually goes away quickly, as I start feeling very fucked up. It feels like a mental block is keeping me from being sexually (and also sometimes emotionally) attracted to women.
I do occasionally have crushes on girls (I've had a few very serious ones), but then I start feeling extremely guilty. I usually only feel romantic attraction towards a girl except for the few times a month that I feel sexual attraction towards women. I don't think I could date a woman until I moved out, if even at all. I'd like to do that, but I'm very afraid of it my bisexuality just being a bullshit phase or whatever, or them being offended by the fact that I'm only sexually attracted to a woman a few times a month and even then, it's only for a few seconds?
I don't think I'm homoromantic (???? PLEASE don't be mad at me if this isn't the correct term) because I still do have sexual attraction to women, plus I was sexually attracted until I came out.
I actually even used to sexually and emotionally prefer women until everything got fucked up.
Please help me. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Should I post this in the LGBT teens subreddit? I don't know.
tl;dr: My mind is cockblocking me.
Am I right/Can I do this? (Living situation)
Silvass rebooting
Hello guys,
This is my first post here. I'm 29 years old. I've been on PMO for 15 years. I have no libido to make sex with neither my girlfriend or another woman. My penis doesn´t work and mainly I have no desire for sex. I remember that before I've started to PMO I've felt horny but it was different. It was a real horny. I felt horny in my whole body. It has been a while since I didn´t felt like that. Today my horny is not real, only something created by my brain. In the past, a lingerie catalog pic it was enough to make me horny. I remember the first time I saw a explicit porn video I was so disgusted about that. After that, I've started to watch porn videos about gays, shemales, lesbians, fat girls, old girls, bizarre sex. And I liked it.
I've been rebooting since February 9th, 2015.and I'm in a severe flatline. My penis is dead and I have no libido. I have no desire to M or O. This is good for rebooting but it is a little depressive.
There is a one thing that disturbs me: fantasies and flashbacks. All the time these thoughts appear in my mind. Perving thoughts about real girls, co-workers, unknown woman, unreal woman. I can't see a woman without sexual thoughts. My brain wants to make sex with all women in the world. But my penis don't.
Sorry for my poor english. It isn't my native language.
t00lshed Challenge: Part idk
Done this many times here since back when I used to mod so here we go. I'll be at the game tonight and here's the deal.
First person who I hear yell "toolshed" at the game gets a free beer (as long as you aren't a child and are over 21). I am very tall and will have a christmas tree patty jersey on and currently have a haircut that is a mix between macklemore and gay hitler.
No one has ever won, so you could be the first. I would say best bet is in the concourse and stuff before the game or between periods.
I'll also be at the game Friday and a few more over the coming months.
Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor.
Same-sex couples of reddit with kids- how do you avoid the potential confusion of having your kids call you both "mom" or "dad"?
I was just at a bus stop with a gay couple with their kids and was wondering what the kids call the dads to distinguish them apart.
Is that even an issue? Just curious
An Actual Conversation About Marriage and Divorce Coming From the Mouths of College-Aged Women
Disclaimer: The position of TRP is to not get married. If you object to this, either (re)read the sidebar or leave this subreddit.
The other night, I went out to eat dinner with 7 other friends, 4 men and 3 females. This conversation lasted for about 5 minutes, but before I share it I'd like to provide some background.
Female one is a proud supporter of transgender rights, gay rights, lesbian rights, queer, rights, etc. She loves to talk about any type of social liberalism. Female number two openly talks about sex, and has made it known to all members in this group that (her words, not mine) “the perfect guy to girl ratio for me is 3 : 1. That way I can have choices.” She basically confirms the cock carousel. Female number three, surprisingly, dresses nicely, acts like a lady to those who don’t know her, but in reality swears like a sailor and acts rude and obnoxious while talking with people, putting people down.
The four other men are all beta nice guysTM.
So we’re all talking, and at some point in the conversation, the topic of divorce comes up. Female two says “I want to marry a rich man.” Female one chimes in saying, “I mean, there’s got to be more than money, but money is nice.” I and the other four guys don’t say anything, we just let them talk.
Female two continues “like if I knew a man was rich, I’d so marry him. But only if he didn’t have a pre-nup.” [Emphasis mine]. This caught my attention. Curious, I asked, “why do you not want a prenup?” She responded the following, “because he’s going to be rich not me. I’m going to get married to him and divorce him so that I can get his money.
Now, I know—AWALT. It didn’t surprise me that this woman was being a woman; what did surprise me was that she was so honest about it.
Female number one commented immediately after, “yeah, like, he gives you 90% of his stuff and he keeps 10%.” All 3 started laughing, and female #2 responded, “I could live with that.”
At this point, hamster primed, female number 3 joins the conversation: “I mean like, he’s going to keep on making money, so he should give us more money.”
Females one and two both agreed.
Lessons to be learned
AWALT. While not all women will express their true feelings so casually, every woman on Earth thinks selfishly, in her own interest. This is very important to understand. AS men, we are brought up to help others. We are taught the concepts of loyalty and honor, and we are taught that being a “gentleman,” i.e. putting others above yourselfs shows character. Women do not abide by a similar ethical code. They put themselves first, and do not give a shit about you.
Test a woman if you plan to LTR her. Tell her that you want a pre-nup. As female number two said, she doesn’t want to marry a man who wants a pre-nup. You should not want to marry a woman who doesn’t want a pre-nup. Better yet, don’t’ get married.
If applicable, Hide your wealth. Do not let these golddiggers find out how much is in your wallet. Move your wealth overseas, and hire a tax attorney to make sure you don’t break any laws. Protect yourself in every which way possible.
Trust no one. These women were in their early twenties. Let that sink in. Women this young already plan on deceiving you, financially handicapping you, and using the system to their advantage. Your woman is not special. She is female. She is prone to woman-like behaviors, and is simply not capable of being the good-natured person your BP self thought she could and would be.
Stay safe brothers.
[m4m] 28 gay m, let's chat or roleplay.
I am 28 years old, gay, vers guy. I am looking to chat dirty, cyber, or roleplay with someone. Please be around my age. I am vers, and enjoy flip flopping. I am open to suggestions but not into ageplay, cross dressing or being sissy or fem. I am super horny right now, and watching porn. So PM me and let's get started. We can start with a scene, and even chat for a while before we get busy or we can get directly started with the sex stuff. I have chatted and roleplayed in chat sites before; so hit me up and let's have a good time.
Help me with this problem please. Why must we accept homosexuals?
Okay, first. Thank you for reading this and considering in answering this question. I just wanna know something that has been bothering me for a very long time.
Id like to also apologize for the way I've written my title as I dont know what other better way to say it.
My question is why are states who are known to be a religious state(Since half of American states were built by people who were really religious) why is it that when a state bans homosexual marriage, its later on in the years removed by the supreme courts?
Marriage, from what I've learnt is something that was institutionalize by the big religions(Christianity - Islam and etc) so when I see that homosexuals want to get married, are they not realizing that they're practicing something that was made by God for a man and a women? so when I see states banning these gay marriages, I can understand why they do it. But when I see the higher courts denounce state bans, they're to me suppressing our beliefs. (I am having a hard time explaining so be patient please.)
When God burnt the city of sodom and gomorrah, it was because of homosexuality(It wasn't JUST that. There were many other reasons, such as beastiality or other extremely depriving things)
And now, Im seeing other Christians trying to justify this, and I dont know why. Since that would make one go against God's teaching and marriage laws. I am not lowering gay people below humans but there acts is what I am questioning, why we must accept in the community?
Hopefully I explained myself, I hope to hear from you's soon.
I don't even know why I'm posting this. But on the maybe 4th try, I'm taking my life. And reddit has always been a big part of my life.
I'm hopelessly in love with my ex girlfriend from 3 years ago. I have some pretty severe psychological issues, which all sorts of treatment hasn't helped. I'm an alcoholic, I'm almost completely alone, I really just don't feel anything anymore. The only real love in life I had was electronics.
I have built a lot of things, I am studying engineering, and failing hard. I won't get a degree, and I need that If I'm ever going to have a decent career. I'm incredibly confused about my sexuality. I cam out as gay when I was very young, my mother who isn't very nice, wasn't very nice about it. I forgot about that, and recently decided I was bisexual, but I'm not sure even that is right. I am attracted to men to some degree, and I am a man.
Really my only regret is leaving my brother behind, we had a frankly terrible childhood. And from outside it would look like I came out alright, but I didn't, and I know inside neither did he. I don't see him much, but I know it will hurt him if I die.
I just wrote my suicide note. I feel oddly calm. I am happy in a way that this pain will finally be over. I can't go crazy and steal shit or cut myself again. I can't feel this crippling depression and life wrecking anxiety. I can't feel alone anymore. I can't hurt people. And there is absolutely no chance I can pass these genes on to a child.
Thankyou reddit, I don't go out a lot. I am a social recluse, but I post here often. This website has been one of the best things in my life, honestly. I have attempted suicide 3 times before, twice very young. I am a very very broken person. I think my suicide was inevitable. I have literally nothing to live for, and I have some form of bipolar disorder which is getting worse and worse.
Well, cya reddit. It's been fun. I will be dead in 3 days if this goes to plan, and it's something I wont fuck up for once.
Leading the service at my church tomorrow--please keep me in prayer!
My minister's taking a week off and asked me to lead the service tomorrow--this is my second time doing it at my church. I have a great one prepared, with some upbeat hymns, a fun children's time and a sermon where I make a joke about eating at Taco Bell, argue that gays are made in the image of God and suggest that we shouldn't bomb ISIS. Please keep me in prayer as I deliver it.
(Also, is there a subreddit for sermons? I'm planning on filming it and would love to put it up somewhere)
CMV: If you support gay marriage, you must also support polygamous/polyamorous marriages
First off, I am not homophobic or anything. I just genuinely want some clarification or debate on this topic.
If you support gay marriage, you must support polygamous/polyamorous marriages as well, otherwise it is contradictory. I feel that the exact same arguments that are made for gay marriage could also be made for poly marriages.
When many people began to call for gay marriage legalization, the conservatives on the issue stated that it would violate the foundation of marriage: their belief that marriage is to be between two, fully consenting adults of different sexes. This was the general perception of marriage to many people at the time. However, gay marriage advocates claimed that the general definition of marriage needed to change in order to respect the rights of a large portion of our society. They said that marriage isn't just between people of two different sexes, and that marriage is just a union between two fully consenting adults. In essence, they changed the general perception of what marriage is supposed to be.
However, if one can change one part of the general definition of marriage, why can't one change another part? Why does marriage have to be between two fully consenting adults? Why not three, or four? As long as poly relationships don't violate the consent of an individual, it would be a violation of their rights to not allow them to marry, in the same way it would be a violation of a homosexual's rights if he/she was not allowed to marry.
The same arguments that anti-gay marriage advocates generally pertain to poly couples as well: it's unnatural, it violates the definition of marriage, it's against my religion. If one denies this arguments in the name of homosexual marriage, one must also deny them in the name of poly marriages.
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Is noticing that certain class/ethnicity combinations tend to be more homophobic problematic?
Quick background: I live in a very liberal area, and I work at a company that has a lot of blue collar manufacturing workers, with a large Hispanic population. I've worked in factories and the like for over a decade, and I grew up in the south with all the racial divides that implies, and I try really hard to learn from PoC and anyone else who faces discrimination that I don't.
I'm also gay (and female), and a coworker called someone a f****t in front of me yesterday at work, and when I confronted him about it, he dismissed me and was rude. I talked to my bosses, who are great and are dealing with it, but then after I left work yesterday I received an anonymous email (the name attached to it wasn't anyone who actually works there, so it's a shill account) saying "I overheard you don't like the word f----t if so leave your not wanted". (Except of course they spelled it out, and misspelled it with one G) I forwarded that to my boss as well, and he's really upset and apologetic...
But I just noted to a friend that I feel disappointed that this is happening based on where we live, but I guess I should still expect it to some degree from blue collar straight cis men anywhere, and my friend pointed out that they also come from a fairly traditional, religious culture, being Hispanic...
Annnnnd then we realized that what we were saying was probably problematic, and I'd just like some discussion about it.
I really don't want to be That Asshole...but I also feel really vulnerable right now. I feel like my bosses will do their best to take care of it, that they won't stand for it, but I also feel really aware that the guy I confronted yesterday has a lot of friends, so even if he gets in trouble, there will be this whole faction of people angry at me, and I'm kind of worried that I'm facing down months of tiny microaggressions that aren't anything I can quite pinpoint or go to management about.
I decided to make a chart to help my friends understand my struggle.
I am so alone and have no social interaction.
Just Finish It
23 [M4M] - gay guy looking for straight friends
I don't know what it is, but straight guys are so cool! I would love to talk about anything really, not just sex. But here are some things related to that. i'm 5'7". I love sucking cock, it's honestly one of my favorite things in life. I know that straight guys are not attracted to guys, but if you want to talk about anything, even getting blowjobs from girls, or to show off... if you are just looking for a friendship, why not? that could also work! pm for kik
It's saturday morning and the fog is beautiful. What should I take photos of in the fog?
I wanna go shoot some pics >w<
Tips for playing on nightmare?
Im playing DA:I on nightmare and i can barely handle rift's ,im a human mage and my companions are iron bull, varric and the gay mage i dont remember is name,i barely play (two night in a month) becouse im in the army so i cant level up fast..any companions tips or mage tricks i can do to make my life easier? Thank you !
Not everything in TRP is so black and white. What about gay relationships?
TRP says lays out in black and white how men and women are, and yet there are a number of anomalies.
Take a gay (male) relationship. One guy plays the receiver or feminine role of giving to the other what he wants. It flies in the face of what many things in trp say about the gender roles evolving to play said role like a, b, c, d.
What say you about these anomalies?
It's 10 inches...
Have you ever had a straight guy find you attractive, and no one else of the same sex
Have you ever had a straight guy find you attractive, and no one else of the same sex
I find things like this to be really hot. I mean, have you ever met a straight guy that weirdly thought you were attractive and wanted to try things with you.
Back in high school I had this one guy message me online and say that "I think you're really cute and I don't know if thats weird or not, me being straight and all" and this guy lives RIGHT behind my house, so we hung out a lot and, one night we hung out, had a few drinks, and did some sexual things. He recently told me I'm the only guy he ever had a thing with, which is really cool considering its been 4 years now, but thats just me.
So, I'm wondering if anyone else has similar stories?
Is my friend gay?
I have excellent gaydar, and I think so. He "jokingly" calls me "sexy". And held hands with me for an hour. And had me walk him to his car. And is a dancer. But he claims he is straight.
Any Toronto GayBros into doing escape rooms?
The mysterious men of "Guess Who" ranked by hotness
[FAQ Discussion Thread] What niches/fetishes/kinks exist? Let's make a complete list of niches!
What would you guys think of a 24 Hours Forever Alone Valentine's Day Stream?
For really lazy people
TL;DR : 24 Hours stream on Valentines Day by forever alone Asian dude, for forever alone other dudes/grills.
Valentine's, the dreaded day of us lonely souls. Cursed to be alone like Amumu. The day where we give our hateful stares and curse those happy couples.
HOWEVER, instead of being a lonely, hateful spirit this year, I was thinking of streaming the entire day of Valentine's.
Yes people, the whole 24 Hours of it.
Who am I, you say?
No, I am not Challenger like the rest of the 631,189 of you, neither am I a famous Youtuber. What I am, however, is some random guy with lots of time to spend on Valentine's and decided, fuck it, I'm gonna go do some stupid shit. Which is why I am here now, typing this out.
What is going to happen?
Essentially, I'll be streaming from the moment the clock strikes 00:00 14 Feb 2015 till it hits 00:00 of 15 Feb 2015 (Gmt +8).
Why will you watch this instead of DoubleLift kiting the shit out of unsuspecting players or Bjergsen making inhuman plays?
Well here's what's going down:
1. Depending on how big this gets, I'll do one more hour for every X amount of viewers. (Standard stuff)
2. Voice chat with random stranger-teammates
Since I'm on Garena servers, we have something called G-Talk that comes pre-installed. It's kind of like TeamSpeak where we can chat with other players.
3. Winning spree challenges:
2-Wins : Drink one cup of milk.
5-Wins : 30 Push Ups.
8-Wins : Play the next game with one hand.
10-Wins : Draw a dick on my face while eating a banana. (At the same time)
4. Lose spree challenges:
2-Lose : ???
5-Lose : ???
8-Lose : Sing a song of your choice
10-Lose: Eat a chili and tell my parents I'm gay
Note: Challenges are subject to change, feel free to submit your own ideas!
5. Viva la Finale
I was thinking something along the lines of drunk gaming and party poppers.
That is all my pleb brain can come up with so far. If you have any fun ideas, feel free to suggest! Keep it safe though ._.
With that said, what do you guys think of it? If this gains enough traction, I'll get a webcam and set up a HQ stream. All dem pixels.
MRW I was told today that I'm too pretty and smart to be gay. Fuck you, dude!!
TIFU by accidentally making a rape joke.
I'm visiting some friends at another school, "Mary" and "Dave". We're all staying in Mary's room since her old roommate moved out. We're all hanging out in Mary's common room with her roommates, chatting, she's drinking a little.
Like an hour earlier, my friend and I spent 20 minutes blowing up and tying off 2 condoms, which Mary quickly popped! But hey "we've got 2 more" if we want to do it again.
So we're all joking around about I forget. Dave and I have known each other for 3 years, and we're not gay, but we'll make jokes about us hooking up, being in love, just stupid jokes. And I say:
"Don't worry. We've still got 2 condoms and Mary's a really heavy sleeper."
No one heard the joke the way I meant it. Now I'm the guy from another school who makes rape jokes that are too real to be funny.
tl;dr- staying in female friend's room with male friend & her , said "don't worry, we've still got two condoms and [our female friend] is a heavy sleeper" that was totally misunderstood
[FAQ Discussion Thread] What niches are popular in general? What about in specific countries?
Feel free to ask questions for as long as reddit allows it (two months, I think).
If you participate in this thread, I may use text from your comment when I repost this next time, to summarize the important points. I won't publish it anywhere else, just as part of this FAQ.
Outside of the US, rednecks and cowboys are very popular, archetypal ideal men; Westerns and similar stories sell much better outside the US than in it.
Canada: I do pretty good in sales here, but there's not much in the way of trends I can see. Maybe a preference for rural types and farmers, not sure.
United Kingdom: has a legendarily high return rate, they're very picky especially with trashy erotica they will feel embarrassed if they are caught with, so expect returns from filthy stuff. They love cowboys too. The only other trend I've seen is that I sell very little hetero here, instead it's mostly gay and some lesbian. That's probably not a general rule though.
Germany: Everything sells well here. The conventional wisdom is that they like it kinky, and that's true, but romance sells well too. It's just a great country for erotica. Way to go Germany! They do have a special fondness for Middle-Easterners, and Turks specifically (most of my Turkish erotica is gay oil wrestling themed, but they seem to like all Middle-Easterners).
France: Pretty much only interracial sells here, they love black/white. Gay, straight, lesbian, it doesn't matter. They don't seem enamored with any other racial combination, just black/white.
Spain: Maybe black guys, but I could just have one fan there who likes black guys. Sales aren't high overall.
Italy: Also not enough sales to draw much conclusions. I seem to have a lot of lesbian fans here, but I think that's just a coincidence.
India: not enough sales to draw any conclusions
Mexico: I've only ever gotten one sale here. They don't even download stuff for free barely at all.
Australia: This Kindle Store started off very slow, but I now do very well there. They seem to be predisposed towards bundles even moreso than other countries, I rarely sell individual stories here. Maybe cuz things in general are so expensive there they are in the habit of looking for better deals.
Japan: This is the one country where I think straight men are a large part of the audience. They like kink, gay prison sex and maybe Latin men. They also like stories set in their own country moreso than any other country.
Brazil: I get sales here consistently, but not enough to draw much conclusions. They seem to like white guys, or maybe just Americans in general.
Netherlands: Still very new Kindle Store, but I am starting to get sales here. Looks promising. Of course you can't draw any conclusions yet, but I suspect it will basically be a smaller Germany.
Other Countries: That's it for the Kindle Store, I don't have enough numbers to say anything about any other country from places like Smashwords or GooglePlay.
Christian Activist Denies Asking Colorado Bakery to Make 'God Hates Gays' Cake
I'm at ClutchCon again at 8 MTN, AMA all day
My brother didn't have a comb so I had to comb my hair with a fork this morning after my shower... Anyways I'm here bright and early for ClutchCon and the matches are on time. I'll do another AMA all day, I'll respond to everyone that comments! (If you're at ClutchCon, come say Hi, I have a white LA hat in front of the main stage)
How high are you? A mile high bro
Are you touching the clouds yet? I am on fucking Cloud 9, oh and I'm high, n0thing keeps telling me to get off him though
Did you actually call Sir Scoots "bro"? Yes, yes I did
How long were the matches delayed last night? About ten hours, unfortunately
What do you look like? The non gay version of this guy http://ift.tt/1g7zxMy
Are the matches actually on time this morning? YES!
I'll try and get piece of paper that says "Hi reddit" and jump in front of the stream later today!
2015. január 30., péntek
Any Gaybros been to Bangkok?
Hey bros,
I'm traveling Thailand and Cambodia for the next month as a reward to myself for finishing the first med school board exam. Just got into Bangkok tonight from NYC and I'm pretty excited. I'm traveling alone - something I haven't done before but I'm hoping it'll be a blast.
Doing some sight-seeing here for the next 3 days - anyone have any particular suggestions that are must sees? I was also thinking it could be fun to go out to gay bars tomorrow night, but I've never done that alone. If anyone has any input on how to go about that and specific places that might be good, that'd be awesome as well!
Any Gaybros been to Bangkok?
24 year old male wants to try gay sex, any advice?
What are your favorite movies of all time?
CMV:Heterosexual men and gay men have very distinct behavioral/thought patterns....
I will start by saying I am a gay man. For more than two years, I did an anecdotal study about straight men who engaged in gay sex for the first time. What I found was interesting. Straight men have a sense of territory and ownership that I do not see in gay men. I can recall one incident where a straight man who I had an "encounter" with connected with me well. He came over telling me all the things he was going to fix in my apartment but he added the phrase "to make it more liveable." I have been living in my apartment for 8 years and it dawned on me that he meant for him. There is a disparagingly high percentage of domestic violence cases in heterosexual relationships that I do not see in gay ones. Domestic violence exists in gay relationships but not to the degree it does in heterosexual relationships. I would say that one of the main reason is in the behavior and thought patterns is that straight men to some extent are conditioned to think that their mate is to some extent their property. This is very disturbing to me but I think they can easily adapt to a more neutral way of thinking.
Gay men vs Feminism: An unexpected ally
I am a gay male who has been aware of red pill concepts for many years. It wasn't until I discovered the manosphere that everything began to click. Obviously, because I am gay, I have been able to observe and interact with female friends without any sexual undertones. Not sure why, but I grasped the concept of "sexual market values" at a very young age & had the intellect to understand that men and women placed more importance on different things. I have also read a lot of literature related to these theories.
For those of you who have read The Misandry Bubble and are otherwise aware of the current state of affairs....Western society has severely devalued the needs & importance of males. I won't repeat the facts, go read the article in the sidebar if you are interested.
However, I have made a very interesting observation.
The link above is on the Advocate, a popular gay news source.
If you don't want to read it, I'll summarize the interesting points.
Andy Cohen stepped in it last month while interviewing Nicki Minaj. He asked the singer, “Who has the biggest dick in the music industry?” Minaj responded that she’s only been with one man for 10 years and shut that conversation down. Cohen’s invasive line of questioning, in which he also asked to take a selfie with Minaj’s butt (to which she politely said no), is another example for the conversation in media on whether gay and bi men are being sexist while making offhand misogynistic comments. A few celebrities have attempted to speak out about the misogyny they've experienced from queer men. Their arguments, though, were lost amid usage of homophobic slurs or spouting of overused gay tropes. Still, there is truth to gay and bi men being sexist.
Nicki Minaj, who raps about "anacondas", fat asses, and markets herself as an extremely sexual being....is offended by a gay man asking her a sexual question. How sexist of him!!!
Furthermore, Nicki Minaj, who flaunts her bare naked ass in numerous music videos, claims a gay man is being "sexist" for wanting to take a photo with it. Are you serious? She made her ass a pop culture icon!
When I turned to social media to ask my female readers about misogyny they've encountered at the hands of queer men, I was inundated with responses. Stories of gay and bi men fat-shaming, slut-shaming, and doling out harshly critical (usually unsolicited) advice on beauty standards were common. Comments like “You would be pretty if you smiled more” or “wore more makeup” or “dressed better.” This is a clear example of gay and bi men asserting authority over women by critiquing their appearance as needing to become more feminine or conventionally beautiful. While for gay men there may not be a sexual attraction involved, there is still a clear need to appease male-appointed standards. Whether or not it's weighted in sexual attraction, misogyny continues to affirm a patriarchal society. So there is no difference between straight male misogyny and that of gay and bi men.
So, basically, gay men are giving women pointers on how to be more attractive to men. Is telling them to wear more makeup, lose weight, and encouraging them to smile more really that bad? Gay men, like straight men, are remarkably similar in the fact that they are both VISUAL creatures. A gay man, who understands the importance of appearance, is actually acting in his female friends BEST INTEREST by giving them this type of advice. They claim this is sexist...but I believe it's helpful advice.
Because gay and bi men are systemically oppressed because of our sexuality, we cannot go on believing that our other identities — such as our gender or race — automatically mean we cannot oppress others. That is absolutely false. We can oppress people of all genders if we are not intentionally working to dismantle patriarchal structures, starting within our community. We cannot exchange a heteropatriarchy for a homopatriarchy when it still oppresses and silences women in and out of our community. We must deconstruct the patriarchy, listen to the concerns raised by women, and work on creating safe spaces for their voices to be heard.
Don't get me wrong, INSECURE gay men are definitely quick to jump on the feminist bandwagon and love to help push their agenda. After all, by helping women to secure THEIR "rights" gay men may be helping to secure their own. It's almost a partnership, in a way. The feminist agenda is more important for gay males who are extremely feminine and struggle to fit in with heterosexual males. For them, a world dominated by females doesn't sound so bad.
The reality is, however, that the MAJORITY of gay men are not as feminine and women-worshiping as the media makes us out to be. Think about it....the only gay men you commonly see are the ones who are immediately obvious. They talk like females, walk like females, etc...but there are many gay men who do not act like this. Our sexuality is not immediately obvious, and because of that, we do not face the "wrath" and "oppression" of straight males as commonly as a feminine gay male would.
Thus, as the situation for males continues to get worse, in my belief, gay men will eventually become some of your strongest allies. Think about it. Gay men gain NOTHING from a society dominated by women. In fact, gay men can't even play the "white knight" role. The extra chance at getting laid because they're vocally pushing their agenda is totally useless to them. They do not care about "female admiration". They do not care about the sexual rewards that may come from putting them on a political pedestal.
In fact - I'm willing to wager that gay politicians (which are very common) will soon become active on the political front for male interests. At the present moment gay politicians are preoccupied with securing their own rights. However, it's common knowledge that gay marriage/rights will be legalized across the country in the near future. 70% of the population currently lives in a state that allows gay marriage.
So when the United States 100% legalizes this and frees up their time, what exactly do you think they are going to fight against?
The FEMALE dominated society that they gain absolutely NOTHING from (at least not anymore now that they have secured their own legal rights).
If you aren't totally convinced, then consider this: LESBIANS started, and are VERY active in, the feminist movement. They did not benefit from the current state of affairs, and as a result, REVOLTED. Gay men, in my belief, will become some of their biggest opponents. They're just preoccupied at the moment.
When a male black widow spider mates with a female, she rips his head off when they are finished in order to supply nourishment for her future young. You know who wouldn't be so quick to commit suicide? Gay black widows....if they even exist.
In female dominated animal societies, such as elephants and Bonobos, homosexual acts are very common. In male dominated animal species, such as Chimpanzees, homosexuality isn't as common.
Is this nature's way of making sure male Bonobo's don't face the same fate as male black widow spiders? Do gay males provide societies with stability? In fact, I'd be very interested to see if anyone has done any research on homosexuality rates and the rise of "female dominated" societies.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.
ELI5: Why does everyone think Tom Cruise is gay?
I means he was married to a few attractive actresses before... why would everyone assume he is gay just because he might be focusing on his career a bit more? http://ift.tt/163uKXC
24 year old male wants to try gay sex, any advice?
Never been with a man, always been dominate with women... Would like to try bottoming
Pre-Superbowl Gronk v Beast Mode Mortal Combat X Battle
Can anyone recommend any good French movies?
I'm currently learning French and I think watching some French movies would really help. Thanks.
EDIT: Wow, thanks for all the great recommendations gays! I wasn't expecting so many. I'm going to be watching nothing but French movies(or should I say films) for the next few months haha.
I [22 M] don't know how to deal with my girlfriend's (of 4 months) [21 F] "gay"-like best-friend taking a lot of her attention when we go out together.
My girlfriend and her friend [ 22 M] are very close. Brother/sister close. "Gay best friend" close. (I hate to use the term because he is not gay, but its the only way to describe it) Messaging nearly very day. Phone calls. Gossiping. But from her perspective purely platonic. And I don't mind at all. They are best friends.
This is where I need advice/help
The two of them always used to always "pal around" together on nights out before me and her got together. This is starting to creep into our nights now when we are out drinking or clubbing together.
He is with her a lot. It feels like he is almost competing for her attention with me. (Competing is a strong word but you can understand what I mean). I like to think I m an easy going guy and I don't mind it that much. They are friends. I don't see him as a threat to our relationship. And she wants to talk to him.
But recently it has been difficult to take.
My intention of going out is to spend time with her and have a good time with her. But when she completely is focused on other things, it can be difficult. I have said it to her before that I felt ignored a few nights in the past.
But I don't want to tell her what to do. I don't want to tell the friend what to do. (I am good friends with him...this is how I met her) I don't want to be "possessive". I don't want to impact their relationship for my own selfish reasons. I want her to be happy (and him). I want her to talk to her friends and to talk to me because she wants to.
I just want some advice about how to deal with it. Just some guidance on how to approach the "gay best friend" type situation from people who may have experienced this before (or from anyone!).
tl;dr: Our mutual friend is taking up a lot of her attention when we go out on nights together. Need some advice on how to approach the "gay best friend" type situation.
My friend lost his job at the MTC for a Facebook post supporting gay marriage
This is a recent status recounting the experience, definitely worth the read.
TL;DR A friend taught Italian at the MTC that he absolutely loved posted a Facebook status supporting gay marriage, his friends tattled, he was interrogated and harassed on multiple occasions, begged for his job, and was still let go.
"Storytime: This time last year, when I was a student at BYU and an Italian teacher at the MTC (Missionary Training Center - where Mormon missionaries go to learn their assigned languages), I wrote a post for my personal blog that articulated, as best I could at the time, why I felt that gay marriage should be legalized, in Utah and nation-wide. The post caused a mini-stir among my Mormon friends, but nothing huge. At the time I had, maybe, 1,500 hundred Facebook friends, resulting in probably 300 views on that post. Nothing groundbreaking, to be sure, but I was proud of what I'd written. Nbd. Next. However, a few days later I found myself sitting in a chair in the office of the BYU Human Resources director. Aka - the last chair you sit in, in the last room you see before you're expelled from BYU. He had some questions for me. Phone calls had been made, apparently, by people who remain anonymous (I was told that "it's not important that you know who called us" … whoever they were, I assume that we were/are friends, at least on FB) - these people were concerned that someone "like that" was teaching missionaries at the MTC. An interesting allegation, based on one, political opinion. His questions were pretty personal. He used the phrase "not even once?" a few times, even. Kind of like when you're giving blood and they double-check to make sure you don't have the hiv. But whatever, right? I assured him that my behavior and attitude were consistent with church teachings, I expressed my love for my students, my coworkers, and my job, and I begged him to let me keep my student status, as well as my teaching position. He said that I wouldn't be expelled, but whether or not I would keep my job was up to the MTC. A week later I had a similar conversation with my boss's boss's boss, except this time it was much more hostile, and much more personal. She read my blog out loud to me, line by line, demanding an explanation for each sentence, asking "How can you believe what you've written and still have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ." (Not paraphrased.) The interview ended with me begging, again, tearfully this time, to keep my job. She said, "We'll need to consider it carefully. Rest assured that we will be prayerful and keep the needs of the missionaries as our top priority." During the weeks that followed, I endured several follow-up interviews with both the HR department and MTC administration, as well as additional, interrogative meetings with my ecclesiastical leaders and LDS Family Services, none of which were initiated by myself. It almost goes without saying, but my grades plummeted, my social life shriveled, and I think I ate an entire quart of Ben and Jerry's for every episode of New Girl that I watched in my room when I should have been in class. I still managed to lose weight. (Miracle diet, amirite?) Finally, a decision was made: "We feel that it would be best if you were not in the classroom. We believe that this is the safer option for the missionaries." (Again, not paraphrased.) I wasn't fired, but I lost my job. I can't be sure how good I was at the job, because I've never been taught by me, but I really loved it, and my students. Enough, at least, to want to be good at it, and good for them. I was moved to the language development department, to work on the Italian team.… but there was no Italian team. They had finished their project at the end of the previous summer and were on an indefinite hiatus. I suggested curriculum improvement ideas, but they were ignored. I did some data entry, (actual quote: "You're going to do the stuff that is too boring for the real developers.") but I mostly watched Netflix … because my boss told me to. I gave up, after two or three weeks, and just stopped going to work. They took me off the employee list sometime during the summer. I didn't fight back, really, at any step of the ordeal. I was confident that I would be fine, so I wasn't worried. I believed that an active Mormon could, in good faith, support marriage equality. Obviously my superiors' personal, hyper-conservative politics were a factor in their reaction (which was actually admitted to me, by one of my interrogators.), but I trusted them to make the right decision. They didn't. I'm still not interested in retaliating, because I was right: the Mormon church declared this week, without changing ANY doctrine, their support of legislation that defends individual liberties, like gay marriage, as long as the church's and church members' rights to worship are equally defended. Basically, we won't be seeing any missionaries in pride parades, but we also won't be seeing any more Prop 8 fiascos, which clears the way for normal Mormons to be okay with the gay. No earth-shattering revelation, no official declaration, just a statement of the obvious: there is absolutely nothing in all of Mormon theology that prevents an active Mormon from supporting gay marriage, including (but not limited to) voting in favor of marriage equality, attending gay weddings, selling cakes to gay couples, liking gay stuff on Facebook, etc. A kind of lifestyle commonly referred to as "being a nice person". There are supplementary details to the story that I have intentionally neglected to include, but the point is that the church's announcement was meaningful, at least to me, and that progress is possible. And that I'm really glad that I live in New York. Was I right all along? Yes. Is this me saying "I told you so"? Absolutely."
I really need some insight you guys.
I'm a 20 year old canadian addicted to marijuana and porn, the combination of both pretty much eliminated my libido. I now act in such a way that I am pretty sure that my friends think that I'm gay (when high I almost believe that they're right (paranoia)). I'm soon on my third week of nofap and my consummation of cannabis has declined. Now I only fantasize about having some kind of intimacy with a girl.
I'm not bad with women and would definitely not have a hard time getting a girlfriend if I felt like I had a minimum of control over my life/autonomy. If I had my own place I know one or two girls on my facebook that would spend a night with me, whores, am i right..? That would probably end up bad for me but I'd do it in a heartbeat since my desire for sex is trough the roof right now. The thing is that I find it hard to date when I live with my parents who are retired and always home. I feel like a loser that can only feel at ease with other losers. I don't have a car, I don't feel comfortable outside since it's cold as shit, I'm broke, and feel out of options. I don't know if it's worth it to look for a woman who lives by herself so we can have some intimacy. I think that I don't feel man enough to date a fully independent women. I'll move on the other side of the country for the summer and (kinda) want to keep nofapping until then but I have 3 day weekends for the next 10 weeks, I spend most of my time in my parents basement and sex is the only thing that I think about.
I've been stuck in this scenario for like two years, the year before that I had a friend with benefits with whom I had regular sex (with some ED episodes). I need to work on myself but it's so much easier to numb myself out of life with drugs and PMO.. I need some help.
Tl;dr: I'm lost in life.
My roommate now wonders who he can hook me up with now that he knows that I'm childfree.
So I have a new roommate. He's married and his wife is another city slowly transitioning to where we live. He's made it his mission to hook me up with someone. We've gone out a few times, and he's winged for me and coached me a bit at times. Very generous. His wife likes me too, and frequently shares pictures of me with her friends. The reactions are usually "Oh he's cute.... he's not gay is he?"
In a conversation we had last night, I mentioned that I'm childfree. He reacted with surprise. Mentioned something about "passing on my knowledge." He did not understand fully, but he wasn't judgmental either somewhere in between.
He did say that it would make it hard to make introductions to his single friends back in his home town.
Shit like this is becoming a frequent problem with my dating life. If I came out as gay, it would've been less of a shock and probably a larger dating pool.
tl;dr Roommate now wonders if I'm a decent match for any of his single friends. Childfree dating is frustrating.
Any Bros enjoy Monty Python? Here's another reason I love them so much.
My girlfriend [F/M23] and I [M24] broke up after dating for one year. They decided to start transitioning from female to male and we decided that our relationship would make the transition process a lot more difficult. I'm looking for some perspective.
DISCLAIMER: to the trans and genderqueer people reading this I apologize in advanced if I mess up the pronouns. I'm relatively new to interacting with this aspect of humanity so for consistency's sake I will refer to my ex-girlfriend (partner?) using the singular they.
A little over a year ago my girlfriend and I met and started dating. Things started off amazing. I was 23 at the time and had never been in a relationship before (meaning that this is also my first breakup). We got along together really well and had a tonne of stuff in common (our sense of humour, our generally nerdy interests, etc).
Early on in the relationship they told me that they identified as genderqueer. The definition they gave me was that it was someone who felt that they were neither male or female but something in between or outside it all together. This was something I was able to wrap my head around. I interpreted this at the time that they were something like a tomboy who was also frustrated with the roles society placed on women so I was able to accept it without much issue.
Flash forward until about two months ago. They tell me that they have been researching and discussing with their therapist about the possibility of testosterone therapy. Up until this point they had made no mention of transition. I took this as something that they were simply researching rather than actually planning on doing.
Flash forward again until a few days ago. The two of us sit down and they tell me that they plan to start transitioning with the intent to eventually become fully male (hormone therapy, name change, possible reconstructive surgery etc). Then the discussion of the future of our relationship comes up. I am a fully heterosexual male who knows that I have never had any attraction to the same sex whatsoever. As such we de decided to call the relationship off. More accurately, they wanted to continue trying but I felt that the relationship would eventually do more hard than good to both of us.
I had had some previous exposure to the trans community mostly through gay friends and reddit (I lurked twoXchromosomes a lot before it was made a default subreddit). My rational for calling of the relationship was that my desire for them to remain female would make the transition process infinitely more difficult for both of us. Either I would always secretly view my partner as female and then they would be miserable or if I did come to view my partner as male I would lose a lot of my attraction and then I would be miserably. Anything short of 100 percent support would just lead to eventual resentment, even if they decided to eventually stop the transition (which I don't think is very likely).
That being said I still feel terrible about the entire thing. Logically I think I made the right decision but emotionally I still feel I'm abandoning someone I love. Transitioning is an incredible difficult process and I know that I they will need a lot of support. I just don't think I'm able to provide it. Compounded to my guilt is that my girlfriend now also has to deal with the stress of transitioning as well as dealing with a break up.
In addition to everything else this is also my first breakup so I don't really know how to process what I'm going through. I've tried going to my friends but I feel like they are having a difficult time empathising with what I'm going through (I realize that this is a somewhat unconventional reason for a break up).
I am not not really looking for validation or sympathy, I think I'm more so looking for perspective. My friends and family have been supportive but I feel that they just don't understand the issues involved. If any redditors have gone through a similar situation I would love to hear about it. I would also like to hear if any trans people have experienced this from the other side and would like to share their thoughts. I think just knowing that someone else has gone through something similar would be a big help.
TL;DR; my girlfriend decided to start transitioning from female to male and I decided to call off the relationship. I didn't think I would be able to provide the support they needed and that both of us would become unhappy. I am looking for anyone who has gone through something similar to offer their input. Thanks.
Edit: now that I see this posted I am sorry for the giant wall of text...
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Rep Sally Kern Defends Bills Aimed at Gay Community Despite Widespread Criticism
[Intro] Hello all!
So after 2 years of redditing, I decided that it was time to become a part of certain subreddits. So far, a few subreddits that I have become a part of and frequent are plantedtank, anonymouspals, AquaSwap, bettafish, cameraswapping, itookapicture, Jarrariums, Lightroom, malelivingspace, me_irl, nobackspace, penpals, PhotoArtPenPals, PictureChallenge, plantedtankchampionsnot, portfoliocritique, RandomMail, and most recently random_acts_of_amazon. Most of these subreddits are mostly dead but I love the concept of them. I am really excited about this subreddit in particular because of how active everyone in here is! Now enough about reddit! I am a 20 year old male living in California majoring in business. On my spare time I like to enjoy my favorite hobbies which include fish keeping and photography! I also enjoy biking everywhere when the weather is great! Biking is my form of meditation. I enjoy going out and riding for miles just listening to my music and enjoying the view. Just my bike, my phone, and my music. As of now, I am working on my portrait skills and thanks to my secret santa, now studying landscape photography. I also have two aquariums! One is a five gallon that temporarily houses four white skirt tetras and a 10 gallon that houses 3 female mollies and 5 glowlight tetras! I also plan on starting a jar aquarium which I am very excited over because they tend to look amazing! The jar aquarium will be housing about 8 red cherry shrimp and will also be planted. I also have about 3 pen pals at the moment thanks to /r/penpals. I got into pen pals because my uncle is spending time in prison and I enjoyed writing him and receiving hand written letters. I also love printing and sending my photos with a description on the back that explains what was happening at the moment or the meaning of the photo. My pen pals enjoy these and I usually get pictures in return as well. I also do have anxiety issues so it makes it hard for me to make many friends, but the few friends that I do have are amazing and understand that it is difficult for me to come out of my shell. I also do game from time to time and have fun playing cod games and gta 5 on the ps3. I also play a persona named Anthony while I game, but his username is fruityinthabooty. Anthony is a really flamboyant gay guy from California and enjoys kicking booty and socializing with others. In reality though, I envy him because he is probably the most outgoing person I've ever met. When people ask me questions about how I came up with Anthony, I usually explain to them that Anthony is an exaggeration of myself. For any of you wondering, yes I am a homosexual. I am not out though, my family is very religious and I hate causing pain and anger. I actually typed this yesterday right before having to go. I decided to post it today so I can answer any questions you guys and gals might have regarding anything I just typed about. Feel free to write me! Will be checking the comments about every 30 minutes or so up until 3 p.m. pacific time!
Why do some guys not date other guys?
As in like gay men only has sex with men but will not date them just have sex with them. They don't date chick's either thou.
[work] In a little dispute where I seriously offended a coworker. How can I make sure I keep my job?
Well if you want the whole story I can post it but I'm long winded and its a lot to type. Basically I went on a little rant with a coworker about how people are really sensitive to certain words even when they're not used to instill hate. I was specifically talking about faggot. I was saying the word simply because I was talking about the word and she got totally offended and took it to the union and now I have a bunch of higher ups on my case. I really don't know why this is a huge issue or why she was even offended. There were 3 people present in this conversation. The offended, myself, and a 3rd party listener who happens to be a lesbian, and also a friend of mine. The offended would say things like, "you can't say that word because you're not gay!" Well, I'm also not a sandwich. She also claimed I can't say that word because I've never been called it. Well, I have been called a faggot. A lot. She then specified her statement saying I can't use that word because I haven't been called a faggot WHILE getting beat up. We went on like this, and she broke down and called me an anti-feminist homophobic bigoted pig. How bout that. She ended up doing the name calling. Can I use this in my favor?
This started when I made the comment that I believe we live in an offended nation and it stemmed from there. When my intention for having this little free speech rant of how we shouldn't fear words because that gives them power was not to offend, but to empower, am I at risk for termination? I go into work tonight expecting to have a stern talking to. What can I say or do to keep my job?
This is where I may have shot myself in the foot. I posted this on facebook, she saw it (thought I've blocked her now) and took it into work. I didn't have a caption, just the link. http://ift.tt/1jdKaMs
Again posting this was simply to get my side of the argument out to the public by using someone else's words.
"Summing up TBM priorities" or, "What I'd say to my daughter if she told me she was gay"
Why do some guys not date other guys?
Any gaybros in Málaga and Andalucía?
How to go past a "Hi, how are you doing?" with a coworker?
What're your weekend plans?
First time here, Not sure if I belong here so I just wanna share myself and ask, What was your experience when you discovered the real you.
So a few months ago I was hit with a pile of bricks. By bricks I mean transition timeline videos.
For years I've been banging my head trying to get an idea of what i am, what i enjoy, and what i want to be. Why do I enjoy being so feminine, am I gay?(middle school/freshman thoughts). Dipped my feet in the water and quickly realized i dont like guys. "Oh im just kinda feminine, it was silly to think I was different, lots of guys are feminine, you just like rock; Robert Smith, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, there all a bit feminine and its okay, it dosent make them less of a man.
Now Im starting to feel like I was bullshitting myself, I wanted to associate myself with guys like them to feel "normal" Im always scared my parents will be embarrassed by my interests, I used to have long hair which I OBSESSIVELY enjoyed dying, straightening, and just playing with, I was picked on at school and it easily singled me out but i loved it too much, though i still felt weird around my parents. My Dad would joke that I looked like a young Robert Plant but he didn't say much when I got in the habit of styling my hair, they also caught me with makeup on a few years ago which has never been brought up, we both thought of it as a phase. my dad introduced David Bowie to me so in my mind i try to think "they wont find it weird if they think I just look up to him, they wont be embarrassed". But I never got why I thought they would be embarrassed if I was just into glamour rock, he showed me all that music why would he be embarrassed that i like it.
Sophomore year of school I decided it was time to "Mature, grow up, act like a man" At that point I cut all my hair on impulse and just started wearing bland cloths, my whole closet is gray now. I just got tired of being called a faggot and always having attention on me. I was able to walk through school all day and not one of my friends recognized me until near the end of the day. Now that I think about it thats when my depression started.
Somehow I eventually stumbled upon some transition timeline videos, I dont know how I got there but it then felt like a wall collapsed on me, I couldn't believe how beautiful those girls where, Im not gonna lie im not the smartest person, for a while I thought transgender was just a more of a full time version cross dresser, I've cross dressed on several Halloweens with a couple friends and I still rub it in that people thought I was actually a girl(jokingly to them but real to me). I liked it but only on Halloween, I've considered trying to see if I can do it at random "as a joke" but I can't stand negative attention anymore. I always had the thought that "it would be so nice to be a girl", I would stare at girls and think about how lucky they are to get to dress that way, I would think about how I might wear my hair if i where them, but I never thought to serious about it.
Back to the timeline videos, Im in shock, and I feel horrible, I knew that if I could switch and be a girl I would but there was no way in hell I wanted to be a drag queen, where its obvious there guys, I thought thats what trans was, I didn't that going through transition made you look like a natural girl. I didn't know about HRT until a few months ago and how much of an effect it does. I can't say for sure if im trans, i might just be to uncomfortable to say so, I understood the thought of being trapped in another body and the surgeries, but after learning that I could naturally get softer skin, less body hair, less muscles and a curvier body all I can think about is how much I wanna take hormones, but im still not even sure who I am.
There's a trap for gaybros too it seems...
2015. január 29., csütörtök
Tried experimenting but I'm unsure of what I want.
Why do I have to have a crush on my best friend?
I don't even know why I'm posting this, sorry about any grammar mistakes. So I've accepted I was gay since I realised (last year sometime I guess), but I only came out to my mum yesterday, first and only person. I assume my best friend thinks I'm gay, because he'd always ask which girls I thought were hot and I wouldn't answer but now he seems to have just stopped.
But anyway, this guy seems to be straight. Although as I said he stopped talking about girls' hotness so maybe he's realised he's gay (I can dream). I've known him for a while, maybe since year 5. There used to be many times where he'd be getting dressed behind me, threatening me to make me not look, we used to sleep in the same bed at his house, even with a guest bed in the room (these probably both ended last year), he's shirtless whenever swimming. I just want him to come up to me and kiss me. I'll never tell him how I feel because it'll probably ruin the friendship, I just wish so badly he'd kiss me, cuddle with me.
I really hope I stop having this crush soon.