2015. január 31., szombat

[FAQ Discussion Thread] What niches are popular in general? What about in specific countries?

Feel free to ask questions for as long as reddit allows it (two months, I think).

If you participate in this thread, I may use text from your comment when I repost this next time, to summarize the important points. I won't publish it anywhere else, just as part of this FAQ.


Outside of the US, rednecks and cowboys are very popular, archetypal ideal men; Westerns and similar stories sell much better outside the US than in it.

Canada: I do pretty good in sales here, but there's not much in the way of trends I can see. Maybe a preference for rural types and farmers, not sure.

United Kingdom: has a legendarily high return rate, they're very picky especially with trashy erotica they will feel embarrassed if they are caught with, so expect returns from filthy stuff. They love cowboys too. The only other trend I've seen is that I sell very little hetero here, instead it's mostly gay and some lesbian. That's probably not a general rule though.

Germany: Everything sells well here. The conventional wisdom is that they like it kinky, and that's true, but romance sells well too. It's just a great country for erotica. Way to go Germany! They do have a special fondness for Middle-Easterners, and Turks specifically (most of my Turkish erotica is gay oil wrestling themed, but they seem to like all Middle-Easterners).

France: Pretty much only interracial sells here, they love black/white. Gay, straight, lesbian, it doesn't matter. They don't seem enamored with any other racial combination, just black/white.

Spain: Maybe black guys, but I could just have one fan there who likes black guys. Sales aren't high overall.

Italy: Also not enough sales to draw much conclusions. I seem to have a lot of lesbian fans here, but I think that's just a coincidence.

India: not enough sales to draw any conclusions

Mexico: I've only ever gotten one sale here. They don't even download stuff for free barely at all.

Australia: This Kindle Store started off very slow, but I now do very well there. They seem to be predisposed towards bundles even moreso than other countries, I rarely sell individual stories here. Maybe cuz things in general are so expensive there they are in the habit of looking for better deals.

Japan: This is the one country where I think straight men are a large part of the audience. They like kink, gay prison sex and maybe Latin men. They also like stories set in their own country moreso than any other country.

Brazil: I get sales here consistently, but not enough to draw much conclusions. They seem to like white guys, or maybe just Americans in general.

Netherlands: Still very new Kindle Store, but I am starting to get sales here. Looks promising. Of course you can't draw any conclusions yet, but I suspect it will basically be a smaller Germany.

Other Countries: That's it for the Kindle Store, I don't have enough numbers to say anything about any other country from places like Smashwords or GooglePlay.

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