So after 2 years of redditing, I decided that it was time to become a part of certain subreddits. So far, a few subreddits that I have become a part of and frequent are plantedtank, anonymouspals, AquaSwap, bettafish, cameraswapping, itookapicture, Jarrariums, Lightroom, malelivingspace, me_irl, nobackspace, penpals, PhotoArtPenPals, PictureChallenge, plantedtankchampionsnot, portfoliocritique, RandomMail, and most recently random_acts_of_amazon. Most of these subreddits are mostly dead but I love the concept of them. I am really excited about this subreddit in particular because of how active everyone in here is! Now enough about reddit! I am a 20 year old male living in California majoring in business. On my spare time I like to enjoy my favorite hobbies which include fish keeping and photography! I also enjoy biking everywhere when the weather is great! Biking is my form of meditation. I enjoy going out and riding for miles just listening to my music and enjoying the view. Just my bike, my phone, and my music. As of now, I am working on my portrait skills and thanks to my secret santa, now studying landscape photography. I also have two aquariums! One is a five gallon that temporarily houses four white skirt tetras and a 10 gallon that houses 3 female mollies and 5 glowlight tetras! I also plan on starting a jar aquarium which I am very excited over because they tend to look amazing! The jar aquarium will be housing about 8 red cherry shrimp and will also be planted. I also have about 3 pen pals at the moment thanks to /r/penpals. I got into pen pals because my uncle is spending time in prison and I enjoyed writing him and receiving hand written letters. I also love printing and sending my photos with a description on the back that explains what was happening at the moment or the meaning of the photo. My pen pals enjoy these and I usually get pictures in return as well. I also do have anxiety issues so it makes it hard for me to make many friends, but the few friends that I do have are amazing and understand that it is difficult for me to come out of my shell. I also do game from time to time and have fun playing cod games and gta 5 on the ps3. I also play a persona named Anthony while I game, but his username is fruityinthabooty. Anthony is a really flamboyant gay guy from California and enjoys kicking booty and socializing with others. In reality though, I envy him because he is probably the most outgoing person I've ever met. When people ask me questions about how I came up with Anthony, I usually explain to them that Anthony is an exaggeration of myself. For any of you wondering, yes I am a homosexual. I am not out though, my family is very religious and I hate causing pain and anger. I actually typed this yesterday right before having to go. I decided to post it today so I can answer any questions you guys and gals might have regarding anything I just typed about. Feel free to write me! Will be checking the comments about every 30 minutes or so up until 3 p.m. pacific time!
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