2018. május 6., vasárnap

Questions about Fingering

I am really embarassed asking this but I really need to know. I tried googling it but I still got confused.So, I am a virgin and I have never a boyfriend. I have only ever jerked myself off and I’ve been thinking about trying to finger myself lately.However, I have so many questions and there is pretty much noone I could ask. Google helped abit but.. I just want to make sure, especially for Q1.So here are my questions.1) Question regarding anatomy.. (really embarassing). So if I got it right, I need to insert my finger(s) into my anus into the rectum. Then I’ll have to bend my finger and indirectly stimulate my prostate. Is this correct? Another question is, does it hurt/will it bleed? Will it cause an.. alteration(?) to my anus?2) Is there any preparation I need to do? I heard that we may need to use Latex gloves and lots of lubes. Other than that, do I need to do something else?3) Afterward, how do/do i need I clean myself cause there would be some lubes inside my rectum correct?4) Do you think it’s better to wait for someone or try it first myself? (Even tho I’m not even sure if it may ever happen for me)I’m sorry for asking these questions, but I feel like I really need/want to know. Thank you in advance.

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