2018. május 28., hétfő

Am I selfish for wanting to end it?

I’ve been seeing someone for over a year now pretty casually. When it started, we saw each other decently often (like once or twice a week) but after a few months it changed to only seeing each other once, maybe twice a month. We talked a couple times about making it a relationship but nothing really ended up happening or changing.I’ve been wanting to end what we have together for a while now, as I think that I was blinded by being with someone for the first 6 or so months, but now I’m realizing that we are two completely different people that are not very compatible. We have completely different personalities, senses or humour, and honestly mostly different interests.The other reason I want to stop seeing him is because neither of us put much effort into seeing each other for the first year. We’d see each other every once in a while when we had time to, and I feel like people who actually want to be together find time to see each other, not just hang out on days that they’re coincidentally both free.The only thing that’s stopping me is that last time we saw each other, he asked if i wanted to meet his friends and spend more time together (which I feel like he’s said a few times before and nothing changed) and ending it is making me feel guilty and bad for him, but I know In the Long run, I’m just postponing the inevitable. He’s also an extremely nice person, and I’m sure he’ll find someone who’s really compatible for him, I just don’t think that person is me.Does my reasoning make sense to you guys? Also how could I go about this the easiest way, cause I know it’s gonna hurt him, I just want to do it in the most respectable way possible.

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