2018. május 31., csütörtök

Being a gay man can make your body issues worse

I stumbled upon this article just now, and it made me reflect my social life ever since I came out a few years ago.I spoke to a few men anonymously about this on Grindr. As one told me, “what’s seen as normal in straight men isn’t the same with gay men. “You can be ‘straight thin’, but ‘gay fat’.”Truth be told, what I thought would be liberating turned out to also make me awfully self-conscious. A lot of gay men here are seeking validation which results in fixation with their appearance. I spent years being looked down just because I don't have the perfect abs and biceps, and to make matter worse, I live in a Muslim-majority country that condemns homosexuality. It's hard enough hiding from society, and now I get to be isolated in my own community as well.I've been struggling to find any sort of meaningful relationship because people are so focused on physicality, and nothing else. There's no such thing as brain over beauty in gay community (at least around me), and it's either you succumb to this awfully superior social pressure or get lonely most of your time.I get that everybody has standard and preferences, but then again, when 90% of the people you came across are judgmental about your appearance, and won't even spend one second to look at you just because you don't have a six-pack and muscular body, life can be pretty lonely.Cheers from a slightly ajar closet.

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