2018. május 6., vasárnap

My friend

I have had this huge crush on litterally my best friend, and im 99.9% sure he's straight because I've been trying to hit on him whenever I was alone with him outside of school without him responding to any of it, not even any wtf reaction for thinking im a weirdo or anything... I really do want to get a Final reaction out of him, either that he wants it or that he at least knows how I feel for him... And I dont want Just Just straight up "go down there" Both that and straight up telling him that I have feelings for him is way to akward for the person that I am... (he, Just like the rest of the world have no clue that im gay). What should I tell or do to let him know or give him this "Final reaction"? If you actually took the time to Read all of this, thanks a lot

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