2018. március 24., szombat

Honestly lost and down at this point

Hi. So I’m a 21yo in Michigan attending college. I’m 230 lbs and about 5’11” so I’m definitely considered chubby. To tell you more about myself, I am very much the romantic type. I love thinking about spending my future with someone and idolize having that special bond with someone. Because of that, I want to be in a relationship with another guy, but unfortunately I have never even been on a date with another guy (well once but it was miscommunication and he was straight, that’s a different story). Anyways, being single has been making me very depressed lately (don’t worry im on meds and see a therapist). All my other gay friends are either involved or easily picking up guys at parties. They make it seem so easy. I don’t know how to talk to guys. I’m always worried about him being straight and I never know how to make a “move”. Being on Grindr also, I’ve come to hate how I look. Like I said, I’m chubby/fat and once every guy finds that out, they ignore and ghost me. My point is, I’m at the point where I’m convinced that I will never be in a relationship with a guy or even have a guy show interest in me. I’m just so lost and down at this point, I don’t know where to go from here.P. S. I’ve tried very hard over the years to loose weight through dieting and exercise, but I always give up and nothing changes.

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