2018. február 19., hétfő

My boyfriend loves circuit parties.

Hello redditers, I’m new here and wanted to hear your thoughts on this topic. My boyfriend loves going to circuit-like events. We’ve been dating for about 6 months and he has now decided to fly out to a circuit party in Miami.I have never been to a circuit party but the thought of what could be going on over there is frighting and I get incredibly jealous. I’ve heard these parties are all about sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.I try to be open minded about it as if someone I know loves partying, then I’m going to support them. But the thought of my boyfriend going crazy in a place full of hot shirtless bros is kinda breaking my heart.Am I being overly dramatic? Or crazy? What is your experience with circuit parties? And what makes them so special? What are people who attend them looking for in them?I hate feeling the way I do now so any clarity from you guys would be incredibly helpful.

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