2018. február 17., szombat

I cancel on dates

I always talk to guys, plan to meet them and then cancel. Yes I am that a**hole. I'm not proud, I'm sad, miserable and alone and I want to change.I'm currently talking online to this lovely guy who I had the opportunity to meet up with today. I cancelled. I gave an excuse that I had to go into work. The truth was that I was sick with anxiety because meeting people is terrifying. I was physically sick and shaking and having panic attacks. It's ridiculous. I'm terrified that I'll meet them and they'll not like me or that they will not live up to my expectation of them. So I stay home and watch Netflix.Now I know I deserve this because I am messing people around but I don't do it to be malicious, I do it because I'm a coward. I have been on a couple of dates, both experiences were extremely uncomfortable for me at no fault of the other persons.Has anyone gone through this or can anyone offer me constructive advice about how to get over my issue?

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