2018. február 18., vasárnap

Finally decided to post: my story.

Hey everyone, I've been reading this subreddit for a while and I've decided to finally write something here, also because I need advice from someone who isn't in my life.I'm sorry if my English is not the best but I'm not a native speaker (I'm from Italy). Also: this might be a long post, I'm sorry.I'm a 19-year-old guy from Italy, I'm in my last year of high school and I'll soon be going to University.I've had some problems in my life: my mother is clinically depressed and bipolar, she also used to (and still does sometimes) abuse sleeping medications. My parents divorced when I was 12(ish), I still have a great relationship with both but that left me to take care of my mother. I had a rough moment in my life during middle school and the first years of high school, I wasn't able to build any meaningful friendship (besides maybe one in high school) and I spent waaay too many hours on my computer. During this time I also used very much IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and Reddit and there I met many people and some of them became my "boyfriends" (we are talking about people that i never actually met)I only met one of them, he was quite older than me (I can't really recall, memories blur around here, but my guess is that i was around 12-13ish and he was in University) and he wasn't from my city. We "fooled around" and then that ended too.About 3 years ago i started meeting with a psychologist that helped me get over various problems and allowed me to move on. At the same time a joined a local student organization and I became a political activist. Now I have build various strong friendships inside this organization (not many out, though) and I'm one of the people in charge of it.At the present time I've never had any meaningful relationship besides one with a guy who was 6 years older than me that never really cared about me (this happened at the beginning of my time in the organization). I feel lost, I don't know where to look, I've had some flings but all ended poorly. I really don't know what to do, I don't know wheter I'm a "broken" person or not and I don't know if anyone will ever "be okay" with me.(Idk why i wrote this, but thanks for listening)

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