2018. február 21., szerda

Addicted to Grindr

Hey all, Never used reddit before, but I figure this place is as good as any to bring up my personal issues. I graduated college a year ago, and since freshman year of college, I've been hooking up with dudes. I remember being curious and giving it a go. I tried it a few times over the course of 3 years, then I found out about grindr and have been with alot more guys than I'd care to admit. Everytime i hookup with someone, i feel like shit, and I know before hand that I don't even want to do it, but I do anyway.More information about me: I dated a girl in highscool for almost all 4 years of it, and I "loved" her and all that good shit. And i'm sure it was because we were in a relationship, but I felt good after we had sex. We broke up to go to college and in my sophmore year, i realized i still loved her. Long story short, I'm still hung up on her and she has a husband and kid now. I also don't view myself as gay (or even bisexual really) because I only want to be in relationships with girls (not "want" like, forcing myself to, I just naturally want to be in a relationship with a girl and not a guy). I've recently remade my grindr account but this time put a long, convoluted password that I could never remember, but I'm still scared I'll go back.Has anyone had a similar issue and if so, how did you handle it? I really want to stop doing it, but I feel like my depression (both general and about my ex) is in more control of this than I am. Also encouraging words are welcome as well

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