2018. január 19., péntek


Soo this is for the Bi/curious or guys who have been involved with them. IT SUCKS. Sorry don't hate yall, Im just hurt and bitter about it. Gotta love break ups I guess.A truly good friend of mine, one of my best friends. Worked together for 11 months, deployed for a chunk of it, bonded through our love for the hipster, indie, art, anime, and quirky. He always knew I was gay and it never bothered him, heck we even had a great bromance. When we got back from our deployment he had the audacity to tell me he was Bi-curious! Sad it took him so long and a bunch of alcohol to do it but he told me. Never brought it up again cause i assumed it was just drunken shenanigans. 2 months later after another night of binge drinking we pass out at my place, and noo nothing happens thankfully/sadly. The morning of we realized we're cuddling, nothing crazy bros do that right? We were also shirtless, no biggy. And I may have instigated...I bit at his neck and ear, totally normal. Little did i know what was his "spot" and from there all systems goo.After probably one of the best one morning stands with a total "amateur" we slowly became distant. We still talk but not like we use to. As much as I don't regret that one moment I regret what it's done to our friendship. Last convo we had was he's no longer curious, wishes me the best, and has now PCSed to his next duty station. I don't hate Bi people...but I do hate what they do to me -_- practice on someone who doesn't have feelings for you. Im truly trying to be considerate, he's probably is dealing with a lot of EVERYTHING. I'll always try and be a part of his life and journey, just wish I could have a lead role in this Romantic Comedy.In the end, just any advice on what he might be going through from other Bi's out there. As well as info, advice, or material I can study or push his way from yalls life experience. Anyone dating a Bi guy with similar struggles and hopefully a happier ending? Please share to help distract from the hurt if only for a moment. Cheers.

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