2018. január 30., kedd

I’m extremely sad over my femininity

Well title basically. But I just don’t know how to deal with it. I feel so rejected, even by the whole LGBT community. I have fought with myself/femininity for a long time, but idk how to get over it. When it comes to dating I just don’t wanna try, cause I’m afraid no one will fine that aspect attractive. Now I know some guys do, especially on internet, but irl it’s not happening that at least.I wish I could own it, but when I see every preference for masculinity(which is completely fine, I prefer it to), it makes me jealous and sad that I ain’t. I am starting to bulk up and stuff, but even then my face is feminine and my personality will still be too. Guess this is kinda a rant, but to question, what the heck do I do?

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