2018. január 28., vasárnap

Any guys in London?

I’m a student looking for an older, successful and handsome guy to get to know. I’m 22 years old, white, and 6ft3. I also row for my university so i’m pretty athletic.I’m not looking for romance or sex. I’m looking for an older (27-37yo) ‘big bro’ or ‘dad’ to get to know as a friend, mentor or companion. Ideally we’d meet regularly (at yours or in public) to just hang out, chat about anything, and get to know each-other. If at yours, ideally i’d be naked, and i’m happy to push my limits and try things I haven’t tried before.If you wanna know anything else, or chat and see if we’re on the same page, PM me and let’s talk! ✌🏼

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