2018. január 29., hétfő

Bad G.B.F.

I’m gay so making guy friends was always hard for me. With the bulling and how guys treated me. The older I got the easier it became to talk to them. Now all I have are guy friends. Their not your basic anti-feelings, jocks. They show me their sensitive side which I love. My two best friends always asks me for advice for the dumbest things but it warm’s my heart knowing they are looking for my opinion. We have a lot of things in common too. They treat me so sweet and nice. They really do care about me and love me (not how I love them) and they show it. What my point is that. Since we got very close Ive fallen for them which is not ok. My two best friends I will protect them from any girl that wants to hurt them and when they do have girlfriends I feel so jealous. I love them their always there when I need them. We tell each other everything. The more I talk to them the bigger my crush gets. It’s to a point that I can physically feel if one of them is in a bad place. With a single facial expression i can read exactly what’s going on. I just don’t know what to do about anything...

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