2018. január 29., hétfő

Trying to get on Prep

What's up, guys? I'm at a point where I want to get out and date a little. The HIV rate in my area is, well, it's "god's way of punishing an immoral lifestyle" --- our mayor. Anyway, it's not good.I'd like to get on Prep in addition to traditional methods, but I'm having issues finding a doctor who is willing to prescribe it. I have an appointment tomorrow to get my regular STD/STI test done and I'd like to kill two birds with one stone. This doctor's website says they prescribe it, but others have had the same thing and still refused. I blame HB 1523, but I can't prove it.For those who are on it, can you offer some advice as to how to broach the subject of Prep. Also, how much testing is involved before starting? I've read about kidney panels, liver tests, etc. That's not a problem as much as I want to know how much time I'm gonna be spending in the doctor's office.Thanks!

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