2018. január 28., vasárnap

Advice for a young crush?

Hi. I'm a 14 year old 8th grade boy living in Oregon and for the longest time I thought I was straight. I've had many crushes on girls, but they were never sexual. I hit puberty and developed a crush on a male teacher of mine. This was the first crush I ever had on a male, and it was purely sexual. I got over that but now I have a very big crush on a senior boy at my school, way bigger than the one I had on my teacher. It's not an exaggeration to say that every night I think of him. I would hesitate to even call it a crush as I really, really like him; I think it transcends that. It may sound silly, but I think it's love. I can imagine living my life with him and adopting and growing old together. Thing is, I still don't know if I'm gay, straight, or something in between. I do know, however, that I really like this guy, sexually, too, and more than I've ever liked any girl. I honestly can't tell if he's gay, it's 50/50. I need some advice on what to do. Do I completely ignore this and live my life forever imagining what could have been, or do I tell him how I feel- and, if so, when? Do I flirt with him, and, if so, how? Believe me, I know this sounds really weird. However, the relationship would be legal, gross as that sounds specifying it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! PS: Would it be helpful to mention that I solely masturbate to gay porn, never straight? I am also not out and have no intention of changing that anytime soon

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