2018. január 28., vasárnap

Being rejected

So I am at this university for one semester as an exchange student, which means, I can only stay for one semester and I have to leave the country after.Anyway, I met this really really cute guy and I fell for him immediately. He is the type of guy I have been dreaming about. He said he thinks I am really cute, but he said that he doesn't want anything between us, doesn't even want to meet anymore. It's because I am only here for 4 months and than it would be a hard crash in the end, because we would never see each other again.I just wanted to get this off my chest, because I am feeling really sad right now, especially, because I don't have anybody to talk about this. It is going to be so difficult to forget him and move on. And I don't think I will find anyone I like as much as I liked him, I have been looking for someone for like 2 years now, without any luck.

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