2018. január 30., kedd

Should relationship be ruined by finance?

I’m a college student and just got into a relationship with his guy lives 70 miles going to another university.He is a freshman, his parents doesn’t give him any money at all. Before we started dating, he mostly stays on campus where everything is already paid for, so he doesn’t have to spend any money.But after we started dating it becomes a problem because he can’t afford taking public transportation to my city. I have to go pick him up every weekend and drive him back ( at least I tried to when my bank account isn’t 0 also) plus paying for his food and movie tickets while his with me.It is very stressful for me because I’m in college too and I’m a senior, i don’t have a lot of time driving back and forth while speeding 70-100$ every weekend.What should I do? Anyone has similar experience?

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