2018. január 28., vasárnap

Does appearance matter?

OK, this might make me sound superficial, but it's a topic I think about a lot. Do you think it's possible for a very attractive guy to be in a relationship with an average looking guy? I tend to see couples where both partners are of "equal" attractiveness, in the conventional sense of the word, good physique, charming and with mainstream attractive traits. I wonder if it would be possible for an average looking, not rather attractive guy to sustain a long term relationship with a super attractive one. I realise the contradiction in this, acknowledging one's desire for physical beauty in a partner while being not able to provide that yourself. I also have this odd notion that super attractive guys are probably not 'kind' and smart and I wouldn't want to give up those traits for seemingly superficial ones. But if a good looking guy were kind and smart, why would he want to be with me? Any ideas on how to resolve this?

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