2018. január 31., szerda

What happened after the first date…

So I had a date with a guy like a month ago. We had a drink at a local bar and we went to a restaurant after. We had dinner, a little chit chat, and to me it appeared that the flow of communication went pretty well, there weren’t awkward pauses or anything similar.So after we had our dinner we decided to go back to our cars (we figured that it would be better to have our own car for the ride back home in case the date would end awkwardly… less embarrassment, etc.) So we (awkwardly) shook each others hand. I wanted to go in with a hug but somehow I didn’t perceive a signal from him to be ok with that so I was to shy to go with that. He said that he really liked the date. As I reached home I received a message with him asking if I got home safely and again thanking me for the nice evening and the intention of a next date. I clearly was thrilled and gave a reciprocating response.I decided to not text him for at least 24h since I didn’t want to stress him. The day after I dropped a message asking him on his availability for the upcoming week. It took him nearly 48h to respond even tho he was online. But I was like maybe he is busy with the job, better not text him and wait for his response. So after said time he answered proposing to go to see a movie together. As you can imagine I was so excited and immediately looked up for movies running. I sent him a screenshot of the program asking him what he would like to watch. Since then I did not get any response whatsoever.What should I do? The last contact was like 10th of Jan.sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes

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