2018. január 19., péntek

Advice requested - Deceased uncle possibility of being outed

Backstory here: http://ift.tt/2EZfWLX received some really positive interactions when I posted the above the other night and I wanted to respectfully ask this community for advice.As stated in the thread, I decided against outing my uncle to my family to allow them to grieve the man they knew and not the reality. That is still how I feel about it. However there's one snag that just occurred to me.My family that he isn't out to will be going to his memorial service in Orlando. All of my uncle's friends, coworkers, and everyone that knew him through his lifestyle (gay bowling league) will be present. My concern is that one of them might discretely out him in passing conversation, which they nor I would see as anything negative at all, but that seems like a bad way for my family to learn. I'm concerned with my family not being braced for this and it possibly causing a family shitshow.The second pitfall I see is that I'm supposed to go with my family and a few others to go through all of my uncle's apartment since he lived alone and it falls to us to wrap up his estate and belongings. I'm worried that there's something, like old photos or documents in writing or something else that would end up outing him to my family under that circumstance. I feel the scenario at his memorial service is more likely but finding something in his apartment is also a very real possibility.What should I do? Nothing? Let it happen as it happens? Or should I have a precursor conversation with family and be like "look, there's aspects of uncle's life that you aren't aware of. they may come out through the service or the apartment. remember him for the man you knew him as and loved. please." Or what? Any advice is greatly appreciated, I'm genuinely at a loss for how to proceed with this. Thanks in advance.

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