2018. január 18., csütörtök

Being gay and studying abroad in Romania

Buna ziua yall,So I wrote a little something six months ago about my fears concerning my Erasmus stay in a small city of Romania this year (I'm a French student). I was talking about how I had read some stuff on the internet that made me fear I could feel uncomfortable with my gayness here, and I just want to update you incase that's useful to anyone or you're just curious about how it went.When I first got here I started talking to guys on Grindr literally just out of curiosity for their experience growing up here. One of them told me he was thinking about coming out til his best friend told him he would happily stone any gay person. I thought damn so it's even worse than what I thought.But overall, talking to some other guys, I think it's mostly judgement and harassement without much violent action. A guy told me he dated someone in HS and his best friend (who was a girl) said she didn't believe him so he showed her a picture of them kissing. Next thing he knows, the whole school was receiving the picture, a teacher was confronting him to it during class and his parents got the word. I know, terrible way to come out.But this guy also told me that when his gay friends visit him from Bucarest, he has to tell them not to hold hands in the streets of my city. Anyway, these are the worst stories I was told. But I also met a good amount of openly gay guys and girls who told me even if they get a lot of looks and had a hard time making their parents understand, they still manage to date (more in the capital for sure) and just have to ignore that but never got into any kind of violent trouble. I also went on a couple dates with quite obviously gay guys and didn't even draw attention.This is obviously not objective, it's not even from my own experience, but I thought maybe it could be of any interest to some of you. La revedere !

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