2018. január 2., kedd

Advice for lonely shy man

I'm 24 years old and never have relationship before except brief relationship with a girl. I always enjoy being alone since I studied in high school so I only have a few friends from high school and college. After I graduated and started working in a bank. I often feel how lonely I am more than before (I felt the same thing in college as well but not much as this time) so I want to talk to someone who is also gay (I don't have much money to go bar or club. A lot of my salary go to video games and comics) Problem is I never know how to start or find and also I'm scared to do something like this. So some advice would be helpful or at least someone to talk.Ps. I have crushed with my friend who I think he is gay but he is studying master degree in China so we rarely speak to each other and I don't want to risk losing him because he is one of a few friends I have.

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