2018. január 2., kedd

My bf made his scariest decision in his life, he came out to me as HIV-positive, and I f*** love him to bits. (People, don't be scared to tell.)

I just wanted to share this. I've not seen him so scared in his life. He always procrastinated telling me, for many months, because he feared I would leave him. He told me it just kept growing, the more you wait, the worse it gets. The truth is, I couldn't love him more for telling me, I don't care he waited so long, I don't care he has it.If you are on medication it will never spread to your partner (or the chances are ridiiiiculously low), so there is no reason to fear people who know their status.My hope is that this post will make guys with HIV less anxious about it, and guys without it less afraid and judging.

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