2016. április 21., csütörtök

My school's assistant principal isn't allowing gay couples to go to prom together.

Basically, gay couples at my school can't go to prom together, which aside the fact that (we all know that) this is illegal, it's kind of weird to begin with since we even have a school-approved, official LGBT club, which is one of the bigger clubs at the school.I, along with most of the student base, and even some staff and teachers, am not sure what to about this. Some people have talked to the assistant principal about the topic, only to recieve a bs, stuck-up, discriminatory answer about how the students don't run the school, but rather the administration, so [s]clearly this assistant principal is allowed to do whatever they want[/s]. And yes, we (including this assistant principal) know that this form of discrimination (against gay rights) is illegal.I wasn't sure where to go to talk about this, so I just came to /r/gay. Hopefully you guys have some ideas on what we (the students / teachers) should do in order to allow all couples to go to prom. I'll update this whenever something happens. Thank you for reading.

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