2016. április 8., péntek

I Swear With This Bullshit...

So I made a comment on a post where OP was getting fucked over by his friend's odd behavior, to which I wrote having been through a similar situation.I stated I was okay with wanting to fuck him, but still being friends. Well this friendship escelated to a bromance just today and I cant stand it already.My friend, we'll call him Saint, just would not keep his hands off me today; the walking up behind and sliding hands around the waste, resting his head on my shoulder and lighting cigarettes with the same lighter... and at one point just before picking up one of our friends, he put his head and hand on my shoukder and said, "sometimes I dont wanna have sex. Sometimes I wanna talk about my feelings." I of course stumbled on my words and responded with uhhs and uhhms.What the hell does this mean? I was not able to keep my bonor flacid all day and want some fucking answers. I acted detatched by the end of the night, and when he asked what was wrong, I denied and said goodbye, as aloof as possible.WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN, BRO?!

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