2016. április 3., vasárnap

Ever feel like a bit of an outcast in the gay community?

I'm a gay man and I've been pretty active in the gay community for a couple of years now, but honestly I still feel like such an outsider.I'm a member of my college's LGBT club, go to almost all of the meetings, participate other LGBT related the events etc. but often when socializing with the group, especially when it comes to pop culture, personality, and even my demeanor, I always feel like I'm out of the loop or seen as "different than them." This is never really a problem when it comes to relating to my straight friends and I even have a few gay friends who I can relate to, but they're not active in the community at all and don't even seem to want to be. It's like community events and meetings don't really attract them at all. I feel like this is really problematic since the LBGT is designed to be all inclusive, yet only a certain type of LGBT person seems to actually be catered to at these events.So my actual question doesn't necessarily have to do with just myself, but instead an entire group of LGBT members: Do you feel like the culture of the LGBT community can sometimes lead to many members feeling like outsiders to the community? And how can we make LGBT meetings and events more attractive to LGBT people who may differ from the mainstream gay culture?

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