2016. április 11., hétfő

Does anyone else consciously try to appear sexually unattractive?

I tend to be attracted to more twinky-looking guys, and a good part of that attraction feels predatory; I feel a sense of dominance over them just because they happen to look "boyish" or "cute". When I think of other guys who are "manlier" than me potentially seeing me in the same light, I feel vulnerable, almost like I'm a walking pornographic movie. So I try to come across as serious, perhaps even irritable, because in my mind it makes others less likely to objectify me. I don't even know how much my efforts "work" or how frequently people actually think like that, but I feel like if I don't keep my guard up, someone's going to take advantage of me sexually (even though I've never been raped or sexually abused in my life).Does anyone else go about their day paying attention to their facial expressions and the way they act, consciously trying to appear "less vulnerable" to other guys?

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