2016. április 7., csütörtök

Confused about the next step.

First time poster here so I'm sorry in advance for any formatting or grammatical errors.I go to school up in New York, but part of my degree is to work in a restaurant for a semester which we call our externships. I chose to do mine out west in CO.While there, I met a guy using Grindr. We really hit it off and we're seeing each-other throughout my entire time there. When we first got together, I told him exactly how long I was there for and was upfront that I did have to return to school after my externship was over.He said that that was fine and that when I left, things would end amicably. He said he's not open to the idea of a long distance relationship, to which I agreed.Here we are now, I'm back in New York. He's still in CO. He says that he developed feelings for me and I have too for him. In our time together, I've really fallen for him.We still talk and text every day. He said if we were closer to each other, we could continue our relationship. But the circumstances are not in our favor. I'm still going to be in school for another year and a half.I don't want to move on, but I know that's my only option. I don't know how to proceed.Any advice is appreciated and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.Thanks

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