2016. április 20., szerda

Conflicted about liking a younger guy

As the title says, i recently met this young guy and as all young guys do, tend to fall for someone too easily. I myself am a 21 year old, nearly 22. I've had my fun, i'm over the whole needing to try new things and as i just said falling for someone so quick. So yeah, I guess I am interested in this guy who just turned 18 in January, he has told me he is interested as well. he isn't very experienced and i just did the usual things I'd do with any person I hooked up with. When I went over to his place, i mean i knew he lived with his parents and I didn't expect for it to go so well for the state that I was. I had been drinking for a few days, drugs, no sleep and it was just weird the moment In arrived I had a rockstar vodka in a slurpee cup. I was COMPLETELY myself, and he ended up giving me these beers he bought and his parents knew i was pretty drunk as well. Im no rowdy drunk, im pretty much the same just get a little louder and talkative as I drink more and do more drugs, but anyways. We spent the day together i ended up having more stuff and sure he did it with me, he had some things too. What I'm getting at is he took care of me when i came down, he fed me, he made me shower, it was really nice. Im a very affectionate guy so maybe he never felt like my intense affection but i can make you feel important. So, the night goes on(the first) and we just layed there kissing and just enjoying eachother until like 6?... in the morning, time kinda flew.Slept for a few. Im making myself seem terrible, but I hadnt ate for the past few days for i began drinking on thursday night, and it was saturday afternoon. The next day, he gave me some breakfast, we watched a movie (Finally watched V for vendetta), then we had a cigarette, and went back to bed. Apparently his parents think im good and i enjoy his house too, but now i know hes pretty much me, and i only enjoy alcohol, drugs and sex. Oh and hes an escort I became aware today. I dont care but I slightly do, we all have way of making money, just as long as im the one he cares for and I dont doubt that Im just hoping he tells me. Alright getting off track, I apologize I was supposed to have a BBQ with my sister and the people I live with but the propane tank and place to get more propane was closed and they wouldnt refill us when we got there 5 minutes before the store closed. Short story Im drunk and high. Anyways we had a smoke sesh just before I left, he was pretty adamant on me enjoying myself and making sure I got home safe, but Im 21 I didnt thing about it at the time but no ones really been that cautious about me in a while. So alright, ill just get to the point, this kid told me he liked me and i thought the same thing before he told me, but hes like adamant on being with me I just dont know if he needs that time to explore and im willing but of course ill be jealous and itll be hell knowing hes doing these things. Im just unsure, im certain ill try it out I just guess need some reassurance. Any advice sounds great lol

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