2016. március 16., szerda

Does it ever bother you...

... To think that the only thing that separates you from a heterosexual person is that (at least in the case of faggots and not usually lesbians) you want to stick your penis into a stinky hole where poo comes out of? Like, think about this for a second: by being gay, and being "pro-gay" and all that, you're supporting the act of a man putting his penis into a poop hole. That's literally the only thing you support. You queers love twisting it into a giant gay pretzel and claim being gay is about "Freedom of choice" and "being who you are", but the truth remains, if you weren't fond of inserting your genitalia into stinky places you wouldn't organize yourselves under this banner of faggotry. If you didn't want to perform this act, nobody would have a problem with you because you would be either A: flamboyant, or B: really good buddies with another guy, and that would be the end of it. However, once you toss your dick into the situation, now you suddenly become weird. This is understandable, because what it means to be "gay" is that you, as previously stated, support penises insides assholes. Your entire world outlook and agenda boils down to this and nothing more. Damn.

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