2016. március 26., szombat

Experienced my first instance of real homophobia.

Some background: I'm gay, 15, out.So a few nights ago I was at my friends house and there were like 5 of us, and his dad starts drinking. He kept asking me questions which I'm not bothered by because as I live in a smallish, predominantly white and straight town I have to answer them a lot. All my friends treat me the same and are very accepting of the way I live my life.Now his dad starts getting personal trying to talk about sex and 'How do you know you're gay?' 'Have you had sex with a man?' All that stuff and I'm getting uncomfortable, from there it just gets worse so I'll just put in the highlights'If you flirt with someone and you don't know they're straight, they have every right to beat you up' 'If my son was gay I'd beat the shit out of him' 'I hate gays, so I should beat you up' 'You're going to make mistakes and have a bad life because of your sexuality'I didn't put this here to complain, I put it here to say that I don't care. People are ignorant and small minded but that isn't going to have any effect on my life. If this is the way you are it can't be changed (no matter how much you'd like to) so just ignore the idiots who are too intolerant to come outside of there self-made bubble of hate and actually see. Thanks :)))Tl:Dr Don't listen to homophobes, they aren't worth it and you're amazing

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