2016. március 26., szombat

Hi everyone. I'm reaching out to the community hoping for some help.

Hey there /r/Gay. I'm more of a lurker here, I haven't actually made a post since around the time I made my account on Reddit I think... Anyways before I ramble, I'm am going to cut to the chase. I'm currently engaged to a wonderful man. He is the most loving and caring man I've met, even if he doesn't show it all of the time. He's the man of my dreams and we've decided to get married a few months ago on our 4 year anniversary (August 12th). The problem is we've run into a lot of financial issues (medical, financial.. I don't want to give a huge sob story but i guess if there's a demand for it I will). He's crushed. And it's completely breaking my heart. I'm doing everything I can go give him the wedding he deserves but we seemingly continue to be paycheck to paycheck. I know the logical thing is to wait on it and plan for next year once we make it through this stormy chapter; but If I'm honest, I don't want to make him wait. I love him and want us to get married.We started a GoFund me just because we figured why not. No one has contributed aside from my mother. So I'm reaching out to the community in an effort to give the love of my life the wedding he deserves. He's been through so much hell and I want to give him this but I can't do it on my own. I'm only one person and I need help. Every little bit would help, even if it's just a few cents id be more than grateful. Hell if you want, come to the wedding or something. Anything.Sorry for the wall of text, I just don't know what else to do. I guess this did turn into a sob story. Oh well. Anyways here's the link:http://ift.tt/1RGg5IK

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