2016. március 31., csütörtök

Starting prep tomorrow, a question.

Hey guys. I'm starting prep tomorrow but due to an awkward work schedule (Graveyard shifts) I won't be able to just take it right before bed or first thing when waking up. I've realized that through my hectic schedule, 2pm will be the best time for me to take it everyday. (Doctor says really try to take it same time everyday). My question is do you think it will be okay to keep a week or half a week supply of pills in a ziplock back inside a zipper pocket in my wallet? Or could this possibly make them go bunk or ineffective? I really don't want to have to bring a bottle of pills around everywhere I go. Does anyone else keep a few pills a week somewhere besides in their bottle or is this a big no no? Thanks for any input, I'm still learning!

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