2016. március 25., péntek

I honestly don't like sex...

It feels like a sacrifice Tbh. Topping, bottoming, sucking, getting sucked ... I feel like Im doing a favor to the other.And when I feel like having some "Sexual pleasure" I'd rather masturbate on my own.In the other hand, I could pass HOURS hugging and kissing a guy.Anyway, how do I tell my partner? ? Like ... I wanna make him happy but it's honestly a sacrifice as I said.We are not together for long yet but we kind of are a couple, we are partners now. I don't fear he'll be like "Just Wtf? Really?", but more like "Meh... Facepalm/SMH".Since... You know, he has his "Sexual needs" just like any other guy I guess.So, how do I tell him? Do you know someone that feels like me about this issue? Any help appreciated, thx in advance. Also sorry for the writing, I'm not English and writing from the phone.Edit: Sometimes the idea of the sex turns me on, but I like talking about it than practicing Tbh. As I said, I prefer feeling the other near me skin with skin while hugging and kissing, but I dislike penetration, and sometimes even sucking. Is this weird??

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