2016. január 22., péntek

The Birdcage, Dick Cheney, and the Lesbian Dominatrix

So this is a link to one of my blog posts, and at the end it's kind of a little ad for what I do for fun, but I honestly typed these thoughts this morning and it started out as just reminiscing about the past, and the evolution of my ideas as I have slowly un-indoctrinated myself from right wing Americanized Christianity. I hope you will forgive the brief plug at the end, and enjoy my personal tale of The Birdcage, Dick Cheney, and the Lesbian Dominatrix.Thanks! Also I'm not gay so I don't really post here, but I didn't know where (or if) on Reddit to post this. If you hate it, feel free to slam your finger down upon your mouse, with the cursor poised in prim malevolence above the downvote button. I promise I won't care or probably even notice since I don't have reddit installed on my phone and, as an author, I'm frankly used to being told to go die in a fire. I've developed an impenetrable electrofucknetic shield which prevents me from giving fucks. Adieu.

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