2016. január 19., kedd


I come from a part of the world which views being gay as the product of demonic possession and western influence. I moved to the US five years back, and gradually overcame my fears and misconceptions and eventually accepted that I liked guys just a little over a year and a half ago. Nearly everyone I came out to was happy for me, and riding this wave, I decided to come out to my mother, who lives a continent away. Needless to say she took it badly - I got frustrated and suicidal during our conversation, and it was the first and last we had to say on it. She hasn't brought it up because she hopes it's all just a bad dream, and I haven't because I don't want to upset her. My siblings had a similar reaction so it's not something I ever talk about with them.I'll preface this by saying I love my mum and siblings very dearly. My mum sacrificed a lot to get me where I am now, and I'll forever be grateful. However, for a year, I started noticing that I was resenting my mother and my siblings, I'm already a reserved person who doesn't say a lot, and I think it's worsened. I avoid their messages and only give lukewarm replies when they call. I recognize what's going on, but I feel powerless to stop it, and it's only growing worse and worse. For the past few months I've been having the same nightmare every couple of days or so - in the dream my entire family hates me for no apparent reason, and chases me out of my home. In more recent dreams, they actually try to hurt me or kill me. I do recognize that it's a dream, but it's stressing me out like hell and I wake up tearing up all the time, and it's bleeding into my real life relationship with them.I don't know what to do. Should I try talking to them again? Should I see a therapist and get counselling. I'd appreciate any advice from anyone who can commiserate. Thanks in advance.

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