2016. január 23., szombat

Is something wrong with me?

I'm desperate for some advice. So, there's a bit to explain here so just bear with me.So, for starters I recently moved to Chicago & I've been here for about three weeks now. I was lucky enough to meet the most amazing guy in the city a few days afterI'm relatively new to accepting my sexuality & have only really started to explore it within the last year or so. As far as dating goes, I've never dated a guy before so this is my first time catching authentic feelings for a guy that I'm interested in being exclusive with. Put short, I wanna' stick with this guy and I hope he wants to stick with me.So here's my problem: whenever we've fooled around, I can't cum. I'm insanely sexually attracted to him & I have no issue getting/staying hard but it's really embarrassing that I can't actually finish. At first I chalked it up to whiskey dick, but this morning I sober & still couldn't cum.I really like this guy - he's honestly the most amazing person I've ever caught feelings for. Sex is important & I don't know why all of a sudden I'm having a hard time with it (never have before.)Maybe it's because I'm new here? Maybe it's because I like him & it's all in my head? I'm not sure. But any advice would be awesome.tl;dr: I like this guy. He's amazing in every way. Very sexually attracted to him. Can't cum. Don't know why.

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