2016. január 6., szerda

Gay catcalling

I'm curious how other gay men feel about this. Just today, as I was walking home in the Hollywood district, I experienced my first cat call. It was disgusting and I felt so uncomfortable. As I was walking, this guy slows down and asks me, "Are you horny?" I completely ignore him (not even glance at what he looks like). He then drives back and starts to make kissing noises at me, to which I completely ignore again. It began to frighten me that he would turn around and do that, which made me paranoid he is stalking me and I walked quickly to my street as he drove off.I can't imagine how uncomfortable this is for women, who deal with this on any given day. Unwanted, unwarranted, disrespectful and just disgusting. I can't imagine how anyone can like this, or if anyone really does...? Like, what makes people think they can just do that and assume anyone would be down to suck 'em off? It's so nasty and they just come off sleazy, uneducated and dirty. So gross. I feel better sharing this here. I'm wondering if this has happened to any gay guys here?

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