2016. január 18., hétfő

Does the shallowness ever end?

I'm having trouble fitting into the gay community. I am a college student from WV and the gay community here is awful. Nobody will talk to me or even hang out with me and it is really starting to take its toll on me. I try to go to the gym to make myself feel better and look more appealing, but nothing works. People who meet me in class seem to like me and think I'm funny, but the gay guys here just snub their noses at me. I try to just focus on my education(I work in a research lab here and also have undergrad TA'd for some classes) and I work part time... It just hurts my feelings sometimes though because I feel so lonely. I see some of the few people I kind of know getting in relationships and really enjoying themselves, and I just feel like I'm missing out. I even ask them if they know of anyone that they can maybe introduce me to and they just tell me no each time I ask. Is this a common thing in the gay community, or should I really just hope for the best if I get to move away for graduate school?Edit: Forgot to mention that even if someone does finally respond to me on something like Grindr or twitter, they never seem interested in meeting up or anything. There's always someone that's apparently better looking to them and they just kind of treat me like something they can use whenever they get bored and just respond to my messages occasionally

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